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This post pretty much sums up Pinside at the moment


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Fancied some negativity in my life so I popped over to Pinside to see what they are al getting worked up over today and stumbled across this little doozy.


It gets even better when you realise the OP has been brooding about this for six months, goes to have rant and then makes a total knob of himself:clap:
I saw that the other day, what a douchebag. I don't think there is much Pinside doesn't get itself worked up about :hmm:
I don't think I've ever seen someone manage to come out of their own thread quite so badly:popcorn:
Pinside is toxic these days regarding anything other than tech help.
As always the 'fanboys' have ruined it. Throbsters infecting every thread with their hate/zeal.
You just need to filter the twats and quickly drain the stupid threads but there is a lot of great info and some epic humour on occasion (the star wars thread was superb in that respect). The same happens on all forums with a large population although with usually less humour!
This reply was best advice by far :rofl:. "What a ridiculous response. You need to smoke some pot OP. Jeebus."
A month or two ago Pinside said it was going to PURGE the site of the known trouble makers. What happened? Nothing. There are like 10 guys on there that if Pinside banned would make the site so much better. Can't blame me, I was banned over a year ago :)
Too much negativity on Pinside to make me want to spend any time there at all really. Although i do get pleasure from listening to The kulek's whine in front of judges from time to time.

Its like reading a womans weekly mag. There's only one section interesting so you become blind to the rest.
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