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Think I broken my vow....


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Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
:oops::oops: Arragh, I remember foolishly posting 7 months ago that I wasn't going to buy any pins during 2015.

Just looked back and realised that in the last 7 months I've somehow managed to buy 7 new machines without really noticing. Bugger:(

Keeping it at a rate of one a month I have to pay for MMR next month.

Worse thing is I've made a real effort not to track down anything that I want.

Please don't bring anything to the party next month to sell, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
you need to shift some of the chaff in your stable - sell STTNG, SST, DM, CP and LW3 first, then ask yourself when was the last time you played SS and WH2O next. Sell me LOTR, i have dibs on GZ .... badabing badabong you suddenly have about £16K and space for 9 new games. which is good because we both know you will be buying a GOT next, way before any MM gets R. you're an addict.

you're welcome.
gif pink lipstick.gif
If you haven't played a game in 6 months, sell it, otherwise you're a hoarder!

I'm trying to work on a 1 out, 1 in system now, I don't allow myself to buy unless I sell one first.

Oh and no more preorders, although certain events this year have made that easier, just need to get my 3 pending ones out of the way....
I seem to remember John that we all smirked at the time and told you there was no way you would make it.
I know it probably won't help much, however let me just say WE TOLD YOU SO ;)

Here endeth the lesson :D
Come on John, nobody seriously believed you, it wasn't that long ago I called round with 4 machines in the back of my van for you, that's some habit to kick! :)
Ahh, multiple deliveries are the way to make it feel less like I'm buying stuff. Martin is turning up tomorrow with two more machines for me:)

I actually feel like I've been pretty good this year. Currently only have 14 here after peaking at 21 at the start of the year
Just keep telling yourself it's not a problem and eventually you will believe it.
so if you bought 7 games in 2015, but still your head count went down by 7 ..... which 14 games did you sell?

that's what i thought. you'd better go count them again.
**** Dan, I can't even remember what I sold this year
Err, 2 x HS, 1 X FS, 1 x BF then it's getting hazy. Hmm, the ID4 I got from you and another one, a whitewater, Avatar, Ripleys . Seem to be missing 5 or so. What the hell were they?:confused: Sadly I don't think I've got a hidden stash at the bottom of the Garden. Even got Spidey back from long term loan which I had worryingly kind of forgotten about.

You know you've got a problem when someone asks what machines you've got and you need to think about it before answering and then forget one or two:oops:

Godzilla and Congo turned up today so I'm now at 16 again (I think)
Oh ****,

Just checked my signature and counted up. It's sodding 17. How can I have forgotten one already:oops:
It's kind of out of sight, out of mind. Kevin borrowed it 14 or so months before and it just slipped of my radar. I'm lucky he's honest. The first time I met him I loaded up a TOM into the back of his car and waved him off. It only occurred to me afterwards that I'd just given a bloke who I'd never previously met a machine and had no idea of his surname or where he lived.

****er bought that one back the following weekend which goes to show you can't even give a TOM away;)
I broke my vow too!
I had 2 pins and a donkey kong in the dining room.
Told the missus I'd sort out the garage and move my stuff in there.
Spent 2 weeks sorting the garage,moved 4 pins and 2 vids in there.
one in one I said.
2 weeks later there's a STTNG in the dining room :rofl:
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