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They keep finding more DESW code

  • Thread starter Deleted member 181
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Deleted member 181

Just noticed this over on pinside someone found the original video mode for Star Wars , although it looks easy it's way better than just pushing a button at a certain point and uses the up and down lever at last :)

Hopefully my one ( which is turning in a money pit from hell ) will be finished soon
Never saw the point of the other speeder footage - just too long to award a bonus. This seems to be better.
looks like the world's easiest video mode, but i'm all for it, i wish someone would reintroduce them.
when was the last video mode in a new game?
Never saw the point of the other speeder footage - just too long to award a bonus. This seems to be better.

Star Wars was rushed out at the time, and some "unfinished" or unpolished features were effectively left out, by simply bypassing them or not calling them in the code.

If you are familiar with the full background of the 20th anniversary code project, it started when after several years, someone accidentally found the Ballsave "Freeze" feature when they were cleaning the game, pulled a ball out of the shooter and put it in the trough, and the game responded by kicking it back out and doing the Ball Save thing. Due to unfinished code, the ball save was being dfissabled by the first switch the ball hit (in the shooter lane) so no one had ever seen it before, fixing this was the first goal.

During the project, they also found undocumented combo shots that either didnt work or were near impossible to achive, so these were also made playable in the 20th anniversary code.

The guy working on the code also stated that the videomode was in there, but bypassed as it was unfinished, hence why you see that start of the videomode, but it doesn't actually do anything, it has been known for some time, that there should have been a video mode that was never finished, all they did was jump the code to the end where it awards the 10 million to get around it being unfinished in time for release.
looks like the world's easiest video mode, but i'm all for it, i wish someone would reintroduce them.
when was the last video mode in a new game?

While it is cool to finally see it after all these years, I would not like to see it brought into the game (unless it is optional) no reason why they couldnt add it to the DESW20th ROM.

As I have owned my SW for what seems like my entire lifetime, and have played many many thousands of games on it, adding in the video mode would just be an annoyance, it's far too easy and pointless (hence it's exclusion in the first place)

My SW has 13,000 credits on it since I've owned it. Can you imagine having to do that videomode 13,000 times?

One project I have never got round to finishing is re-witting The Getaway code, with the video mode removed / replaced with a real pinball feature, as it is one of those games, when you have done the videomode 1000+ times, it becomes so so tedious and spoils an otherwise fantastic game.

So yeah in summary, it would be nice to see it re-actived (as a game settings option) in the DESW20th ROM, but not a permanent addition
HS2 video mode is epic as video modes go which are normally pretty poo :)
You don't mean video pinball as in that shag thing in Tom do you? Most pointless video mode ever , a video pinball in a pinball wtf??? :)

Cool insight into the Star Wars code , nice one luke
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