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Theatre of Magic Trap Door Issue


Oct 24, 2015
London, UK
My Theatre of Magic is not registering shots to the trap door. The trap door mech is all working, but it does register when the ball has been shot into the open trap door. Any advice on how to fix this would be appreciated.
It's been a while since I had a Theatre but I would suspect the switch in the trapdoor mech. When the ball sits in there it should activate the switch.

Have a good look at the mech underneath, see if anything awry, wire off the switch etc.

Test the switch in test mode.

Is the trapdoor kickout solenoid working ok? Does the machine go into ball search and eventually kick the ball out?
Yes, it goes onto ball search mode and kicks it out. Kick out solenoid is also working fine for multiball.
Sounds similar to an issue I had on mine. There was a metal thing under the playfield with 2 lugs on it. One is really weedy and broke off altogether.
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