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No Longer Available The Simpsons Pinball Party £5400

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what is it about the skill posts everyone hates so much, is it the extra buttons or the sunken posts on the outlanes? Never quite understood why they are so hated, is it just the cosmetics of them?
There was a Junkyard on here with nails in the outlanes :D I think this is a better way of doing it

I do know somone that slaps the buttons :rofl: so maybe this cramps his style
No longer available so why not….

When people see a cheap pin on here they be like

When people see a not so cheap pin on here they be like
...and then people complain about a lack of pins for sale on here!

It's a shame really.

The market dynamic has changed a lot in the last few years - and not in a good way imo - demand , pins getting scarcer, prices spiralling and with ever larger amounts of money involved everyone sadly seems edgier about the whole process.
I wanted to add my 2p on this thread a couple of days back but didn't want to add to the derailment. Oh well.

I was just going to say that I feel quite sorry for people trying to sell on here, as the majority of replies are completely off-topic or people moaning about the price or condition, or something completely irrelevant, in this case skill posts. And we wonder why so many games are being sold on ebay instead.

For me, replies to a For Sale thread should be basically limited to:
- Offers to buy/put on a reserve list
- Requests for more info/pictures
- I know this seller/game and can vouch for it/ive had a bad experience
- There's something really egregious (super inflated price, hidden issue) you want to warn someone of

If you aren't interested in buying the game because it has skill posts, move on. Many people don't care.

If you want to talk about skill posts, start a thread in General Discussion.
I wanted to add my 2p on this thread a couple of days back but didn't want to add to the derailment. Oh well.

I was just going to say that I feel quite sorry for people trying to sell on here, as the majority of replies are completely off-topic or people moaning about the price or condition, or something completely irrelevant, in this case skill posts. And we wonder why so many games are being sold on ebay instead.

For me, replies to a For Sale thread should be basically limited to:
- Offers to buy/put on a reserve list
- Requests for more info/pictures
- I know this seller/game and can vouch for it/ive had a bad experience
- There's something really egregious (super inflated price, hidden issue) you want to warn someone of

If you aren't interested in buying the game because it has skill posts, move on. Many people don't care.

If you want to talk about skill posts, start a thread in General Discussion.
Spot on thats exactly how i think it should be ,i spoke to Colin last night and as Col (collywobbles) said it did upset him as he thought he was doing the right thing by offering a rare Mint game to forum members first and all he has got from it is flack that he does not deserve. This is another good guy alienated from the forum as he said i will never post on here again which is a great shame
I had my ebay account suspended due to selling an elvis with skill posts after a massive flare up on the yahoo group . It nearly ended up in small claims. In summary a guy said skill posts made the game worthless and not original. He reported my elvis to ebay as counterfeit goods and I lost the account as ebay always sides with buyers. Skill posts are not irrelevant especially when you come to sell . I had someone last year said they were very interested in my LOTR but the price had to reflect the skill posts! And l didn't want to sell it anyway!!
Sure, the game having/not having skill posts is relevant information to the sale.

Pages of discussion on who does and doesn't mind skill posts is not.
Hi To all you fellow members all I can say I Brought a wizard of Oz off him and it is was in excellent condition throughout and that had ultra low plays aswell This guy was working away alot of the time and he had several other Pinballs This guy hardly played any of them so you make your own decision but from speaking to the guy what he told me he was a honest person In my opinion you will not find one better Thanks Colin
I rarely post but as the guy who bought Colin’s WOZ two months ago that he mentions above, I’m joining in on this one. His description above is absolutely accurate. Colin also packed and delivered the machine himself as he cared so much about it being in meticulous order. It was excellent as you described - Thanks Col. Iain.
I'm quite transparent about the whole thing. Item should be as advertised... Simple as. Usually you can see skill posts etc... The discussion points are irrelavant - the onus really is on the potential buyer to look at the pics, and if there isnt enough, or something is unclear then ASK THE SELLER (Either in a PM or in the sales thread).


With regards to the whole pricing thing, the price is the price. You can barter and haggle, but ultimately someone isnt going to pay more than what it is worth to them - or it will just sit on here for weeks...
Price it well and it wont last long (as we have seen) :)

Pages of discussion on who does and doesn't mind skill posts is not.

For a collector who wants the best example they kinda shunned upon but disabling them makes it a perfect example as a players game. So each to there own.
My attitude is Buy / Do not buy. Move on.

However and for whatever reason It always sparks the debate whenever a pin is listed with them as someone always jumps in with the!
“OMG it has skill posts! The seller should be burned at the stake! Thrown off the forum and made an example of! These sorts of sellers should never be allowed to ply their dishonourable trade here”. 😝

I was offered 13k for my DPLE (two buyers) and recently 10k for my R&M and turned them down.
Would I dare to put them on pinfo for that? No way as my skin isn’t thick enough.
The last few pins I’ve sold have been private and I’ve not even resorted to the thread “what’s my pin worth” as that seems to be the new black market on here 😂
One things for sure if my TSPP ever leave here it will just disappear off my signature.
My two penneth for what it’s worth
I’m with you on this one, I’ve sold two pins in the last 3 months, one on EBay and another to a friend. I can’t see me selling on here of the fear of what might be said.
wanted adds must do much better on the quite.
Never really looked into Skill posts before, but not sure why people have such an issue with them, after all they appear to be part of pinball history, in the UK at least.

And as the article says, you can just disable them.
Surly pins with skill posts should be considered rarer!
Their time will come. That’s why I bought mine as an investment 😉
6K,... Doh I'm off to Mo's

6K for a simpsons OMG

6k? I just spat out my donut doh :)

Damn £6k for a Simpsons.

I was offered a really nice one a few years ago that had been fully refurbished with all the bells and whistles for £5k and i turned it down because i thought it was too expensive, maybe i should have taken it :D

Just a few quickly picked on this thread, wonder if they have all got points ?
It's really disappointing that people are stopping listing on here because of a few comments, this is my go to place for buying, I don't use facebook, pinball owners is outdated, and most stuff on ebay is overpriced. Can't people just be a bit more thick skinned, if someone wants the pin they can make up their own mind, the comments shouldn't make any difference. And the "derailing" is actually bumping the thread which is beneficial to the seller isn't it?
It's really disappointing that people are stopping listing on here because of a few comments, this is my go to place for buying, I don't use facebook, pinball owners is outdated, and most stuff on ebay is overpriced. Can't people just be a bit more thick skinned, if someone wants the pin they can make up their own mind, the comments shouldn't make any difference. And the "derailing" is actually bumping the thread which is beneficial to the seller isn't it?

This 100%! I doubt anyone was talked out buying a pin by a few silly comments. If it’s priced right it sells, simple as that!

I mentioned the skill posts because it wasn’t mentioned in the description and should have been in my humble opinion!
This 100%! I doubt anyone was talked out buying a pin by a few silly comments. If it’s priced right it sells, simple as that!

I mentioned the skill posts because it wasn’t mentioned in the description and should have been in my humble opinion!
But it is obvious from the pictures that there is skill posts. Do you have to mention every scratch and blemish if you have supplied pictures of them?

And not 100% sure about this but don't all UK versions of this game have skill posts? Non skill post versions are imports. (Or maybe there were some late run UK non skill post, like LOTR)
But it is obvious from the pictures that there is skill posts. Do you have to mention every scratch and blemish if you have supplied pictures of them?

And not 100% sure about this but don't all UK versions of this game have skill posts? Non skill post versions are imports.

Yes, if you are asking £6k for a machine, you should describe it correctly and throughly. I don’t think it was intensional but the seller, but it should have been stated.

Define a ‘UK Version’, as there are plenty of them here without skill posts.
Bought new in the UK = UK version. The skill posts were added only for the UK market to get round the gambling laws.

I owned a non skill post version, imported it from France, sold it on last year. Lots of imports about.
Would probably be an improvement to the site if moderators updated certain peoples' status from say 'Site Supporter' to:

'Site Supporter - Troll'

Quite a bit of work for the Admin to do after 3 pages though

As someone once said 'If the cap fits wear it' :tut:
There are lots of people complaining that they are getting priced out of the hobby. And those same people are complaining that people are calling out overpriced machines. Quite bizarre.
Okay. I’m really sorry that Colin was upset by the commentary 😭 I commented on the skill posts because I have a non-skillpost LoTR and thought it was an interesting discussion - I never intended to hurt his feelings or drive him off the site.

If it had been priced realistically in the first place it wouldn't have got negative comments. It would have sold in minutes. If you expect eBay money sell it on ebay. If you want to set a forum record price then it needs to be flawless and appeal to very picky collectors.

With that said, I’m now going to wade in…

I’ve been investigating getting a late 70s/early 80s machine as my fourth pin and I’m increasingly of the opinion that the prices on PinballInfo aren’t reflective of ‘market price’, i.e. what people are willing to pay. This is for a variety of reasons, mostly to do with a shortage of pinball machines for purchase.

If there’s nothing coming up for purchase here in the UK, then the main solution is to import. If we take, for example, Alien Poker or Harlem Globetrotters, based on prices on Pinside, you’re looking at between £2,900 and £5,000 to import a mediocre/restored pin landed from the USA - inc. shipping and tax.

Alternatively, there are people like James from CoinOpKing who are importing pins from Europe/the USA into the UK, and then you’re looking at between £2.5k and £3.5k for a mediocre/decent pin - with the caveat that I‘d have to work out if the thing switched on.

On those grounds, a TSPP at £6k in excellent condition doesn’t look unreasonable at all.

The fact that there are pins selling in minutes or seconds is not indicative that they’re priced correctly. It’s indicative that they’re ‘underpriced’...

I’m not saying this is a great situation. In fact, the fact that I can’t get the pin I want for £1k-1.5k is a bad thing. However, that’s evidently the world we live in and sniping at people for pricing accordingly isn’t fair or nice to them :(
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Okay. I’m really sorry that Colin was upset by the commentary 😭 I commented on the skill posts because I have a non-skillpost LoTR and thought it was an interesting discussion - I never intended to hurt his feelings or drive him off the site.

With that said, I’m now going to wade in…

I’ve been investigating getting a late 70s/early 80s machine as my fourth pin and I’m increasingly of the opinion that the prices on PinballInfo aren’t reflective of ‘market price’, i.e. what people are willing to pay. This is for a variety of reasons, mostly to do with a shortage of pinball machines for purchase.

If there’s nothing coming up for purchase here in the UK, then the main solution is to import. If we take, for example, Alien Poker or Harlem Globetrotters, based on prices on Pinside, you’re looking at between £2,900 and £5,000 to import a mediocre/restored pin landed from the USA - inc. shipping and tax.

Alternatively, there are people like James from CoinOpKing who are importing pins from Europe/the USA into the UK, and then you’re looking at between £2.5k and £3.5k for a mediocre/decent pin - with the caveat that I‘d have to work out if the thing switched on.

On those grounds, a TSPP at £6k in excellent condition doesn’t look unreasonable at all.

The fact that there are pins selling in minutes or seconds is not indicative that they’re priced correctly. It’s indicative that they’re ‘underpriced’...

I’m not saying this is a great situation. In fact, the fact that I can’t get the pin I want for £1k-1.5k is a bad thing. However, that’s evidently the world we live in and yelling at people for pricing accordingly isn’t fair or nice to them :(
Who's yelling at people? What are you on about?
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