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The shadow after slam problems :0(


Site Supporter
10 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Barnstaple, Devon
Right for the people that wernt there or don't know the details here goes.....

Before packing it up for the slam she worked fine. When they tested it for the tourny the right flipper hold wasn't working. Calamory cleaned the optos but no dif. Dom did some testing and suspected a duff coil diode. Due to them only having a gas iron they decided to try a diff coil. This caused fuses to pop so they put my coil back and left it. I've just reseated all the cables and changed the fuse it fired up and said factory settings restored for some reason :0( nooo my high scores! Turned it on and off now totally lifeless :0( now I have 2 ****ed machines.

And someone nicked a set of legs and my power lead not as bad as sack trucks but still a **** take.

Sobs uncontrollably
Panic slightly averted the plug fuse in the dodgy power lead I've ended up with had blown. Currently the right flipper is now totally lifeless so gonna investigate
Mate, can't Believe someone swiped ya legs and lead. Think I might need to go undercover next year and surveil some people :mad:
Mate, can't Believe someone swiped ya legs and lead. Think I might need to go undercover next year and surveil some people :mad:

Really hope it was a genuine mistake. Hard to imagine any of the guys involved bring machines to the Slam would intentionally swipe someones legs. Confusion can arise if legs are left loose lying about in the melee of the breakdown. I hope they show up. The Slam has such a good vibe I really dont want to think of anything untoward going on.
It happend to me two years back at pinball party some nicked 3 boxes of lamps and other spares I'd bought off Andy n from under my machine only left them there whilst I got a drink!!!!
I think the leg issue was that people were moving machines and so sometime legs were not next to machines. I set up loads and it was usually obvious but you occasionally would hear someone shout "where are the legs/balls/bolts/cable".
The team did their best and an amazing job too.
Really hope it was a genuine mistake.

+1 Legs are one of those things where if you've not labelled them in some way its very easy for them to be picked up by mistake especially during a mass breakdown. Top tip is to write the name of the game on the inside of each leg with a permanent marker.

The Slam has such a good vibe I really dont want to think of anything untoward going on.

Vibe was awesome mate which makes me think its got to be an honest mistake re: your sack truck....have you posted a message on the Yahoo group about it?
The legs were under the shadow for dan think it was just a mistake. As for the lead it was plugged into the shadow make of that what you will. Does anyone have a spare lead I could have please? The one dom found me has wires exposed don't want poi telling me off lol
Panic slightly averted the plug fuse in the dodgy power lead I've ended up with had blown. Currently the right flipper is now totally lifeless so gonna investigate
Well despite someone nicking your legs and lead, I bet it was nice to find out that it was just a dead fuse in the plug:)
Yup sure was luke the legs were just fps old crappy ones anyway.
Suspect diodes replaced still a dead flipper further testing tomoz. I expect it's a transistor from when the duff coils popped the flipper 7a fuse
Panic slightly averted the plug fuse in the dodgy power lead I've ended up with had blown. Currently the right flipper is now totally lifeless so gonna investigate

1) Assuming the flipper switch optos work in test mode, you know there is an individual fuse for each flipper on the fliptronics board? and you've checked the fuse and the holder. Is the wiring good? good contact on the connectors on the fliptronics board and no cracked solder on the header pins?

After you have tested the above, the next suspect is the TIP36C on the fliptronics board related to the flipper in question

2) If your switches are bad in test mods (and you've tried swapping the opto board over and checked all the wiring and connectors yada yada yada, could be a bad 1n4004 on the switch section of the fliptronics board or the related LM339
Thanks luke will try that tomoz. Oddly the left one which was also abit iffy is fine now I changed the diodes on the right one coincidence maybe?
The legs were under the shadow for dan think it was just a mistake. As for the lead it was plugged into the shadow make of that what you will. Does anyone have a spare lead I could have please? The one dom found me has wires exposed don't want poi telling me off lol
i have a couple of spare leads i think, pm me your address and i'll post one over.
shame about the legs, i should have come to talk to you about legs at the start and exchanged them for cash, then this wouldn't have happened. i agree that it was most likely a genuine error, and the lead getting grabbed was probably someone needing one in a mad hurry and swiping from the nearest game that was currently labelled as injured, planning on replacing later, i hope so anyway. a lot of stuff gets swapped about as needed - my BTTF shooter rod handle snapped so someone grabbed one for me off Matt V's F14, so i owe Matt one of them. and Rav needed a £ coin mech for the pay-to-play compo so he robbed mine off POTC (and fried it). it happens. luckily cords are cheap, and hopefully this was a genuine oversight, but as Pudsey mentioned, thieves do exist too. there are scumbags and pickpockets in every hall full of people, and us being honest stand up guys doesn't mean our hobby doesn't have wan_kers in it too.
Good post Dan, it demonstrates how things are borrowed and utilised to keep the show going with all the best intentions of sorting them out at the end or later but it can get forgotten. No one was paid to be site foreman, everyone was just doing their best, pinball Karma will be restored soon.

Can someone return my youth if they find it, I am sure I had it at the start of the show but I now seem to have skipped to feeling like an old man with more aches that I have ever had.
Sorry to hear things went for a walk Rudi leads are easily replaced but a set of legs are a little more to put right.
Over all the shows I have lost, had stuff taken and lent stuff out and not had it returned.
Sh*t happens and I hope someone realises that they have picked up a set of legs and a lead that's not there's and somehow gets them back to you. In a perfect world it could
happen but don't hold your breath. Fingers crossed for you and hope you get them back and karma is returned to normal.
More to the point hope you get your Shadow up and running, cause it looked a nice example in great condition,shame we couldn't get a game on her.
Imagine how 9issed off i was, when some dastard swapped my touchdown EM for an ACDC Prem - Hacking Liberty!


Seriously though, I always bring a decent electric soldering iron, so next time ask for Biff and you can borrow mine.

Stuff going missing. Yea it happens, just don't make it easy for people by leaving it out and accessible.
Sorry to hear things went for a walk Rudi leads are easily replaced but a set of legs are a little more to put right.
Over all the shows I have lost, had stuff taken and lent stuff out and not had it returned.
Sh*t happens and I hope someone realises that they have picked up a set of legs and a lead that's not there's and somehow gets them back to you. In a perfect world it could
happen but don't hold your breath. Fingers crossed for you and hope you get them back and karma is returned to normal.
More to the point hope you get your Shadow up and running, cause it looked a nice example in great condition,shame we couldn't get a game on her.

To be honest the legs were just a old set dan wanted so I ain't that bothered just the principle.
right back on track...
just been having a fiddle the upper right fuse had blown I replaced it and turned it on. On start up the right flipper went up and popped the fuse again. Just had a quick look at the fliptronic board and one of the tip36c has been replaced before just gonna work out if its the corresponding one
Right Im not sure if im testing them right but I may of found the culprit if I put my meter in the diode test thingme (not sure if that's the right setting) if I test the 2 outside legs on each Tip36c I get a reading of 0.115-120v on 3 of them but the last one nearest the fuses is reading zero
The legs were under the shadow for dan think it was just a mistake. As for the lead it was plugged into the shadow make of that what you will. Does anyone have a spare lead I could have please? The one dom found me has wires exposed don't want poi telling me off lol

Can I just point out,to ALL I aint being a picky git when snagging these things.

If something happened at a show,you can bet your ass me n Mark,and Will would be called in by HSE or the venue/insurance,and if they found an obviously damaged cable that would make matters worse.
Thats an avoidable problem.
Thats us three "in the dock" - no-one else

If an outer cable has inner cables visible,there is a very good chance the insulation resistance will be compromised,which can cause rcd trips(if on an rcd circuit),maybe too high current for a smaller damaged cables,overheating and various other things.

It is for the owners good as well as the shows.

If I can see it,so can all owners.
Easily fixable on wpc and later era wms/ballys.
More work to fix older games and other manufacturers,but no major heartache.
If anyone is incable of replacing a damaged cable there are plenty of pinheads who can help do this.
You just need some 1.5mm 3 core flex

Good simple checks to do on any pin,is to inspect the power cord,and measure resistance between the earth pin(the big one)on the plu,and the exposed metal parts.On approx mid 80's games onwards this should be very low ohms
You are right to point this out Chris. You give up your time and the show needs you to give your professional opinion. It is about your integrity but ultimately our safety and the healthy running of all the machines for the length of the show.
I tip my hat to you, for you sir, are a gentleman.
Can I just point out,to ALL I aint being a picky git when snagging these things.

If something happened at a show,you can bet your ass me n Mark,and Will would be called in by HSE or the venue/insurance,and if they found an obviously damaged cable that would make matters worse.
Thats an avoidable problem.
Thats us three "in the dock" - no-one else

If an outer cable has inner cables visible,there is a very good chance the insulation resistance will be compromised,which can cause rcd trips(if on an rcd circuit),maybe too high current for a smaller damaged cables,overheating and various other things.

It is for the owners good as well as the shows.

If I can see it,so can all owners.
Easily fixable on wpc and later era wms/ballys.
More work to fix older games and other manufacturers,but no major heartache.
If anyone is incable of replacing a damaged cable there are plenty of pinheads who can help do this.
You just need some 1.5mm 3 core flex

Good simple checks to do on any pin,is to inspect the power cord,and measure resistance between the earth pin(the big one)on the plu,and the exposed metal parts.On approx mid 80's games onwards this should be very low ohms

Which is why I'm trying to find a replacement one for the one I've ended up with
The first part of an electrical safety check is a visual inspection, and as Poi says, any damage and it fails or gets replaced immediately. It's for the safety of everyone - simples :)
(Learnt that when I did my pat testing/electrical safety course lots of years ago :))
Right Im not sure if im testing them right but I may of found the culprit if I put my meter in the diode test thingme (not sure if that's the right setting) if I test the 2 outside legs on each Tip36c I get a reading of 0.115-120v on 3 of them but the last one nearest the fuses is reading zero

Sounds like you've got a shorted transistor there then, double check with this method : http://www.pinrepair.com/begin/index.htm#howdmm

When we were setting up for the tournament on Friday night, me and Martin tested each game and your flipper opto board was sticking as the U shaped optos were cracked. After we'd found that fault the hold started playing up causing the flipper to flap, so we swapped the machine out for Matt Adam's one as we needed to be ready for the tournament start in the morning. I wasn't involved after that but what's probably happened is that during transport, vibration has caused something to go wonky either causing a short, or a solder joint to crack.
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