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The Pinball Obsession


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Jan 11, 2018
James Reed
I've only been in the hobby for about 3 years now and as soon as I bought my first machine I knew instantly that I would be on a slippery slope. What is it with this hobby and feeling the need to own as many machines a physically possible?! My partner asked the other day that if I somehow owned every machine ever made, would that be enough...? My answer was a massive no! It can't just be me surely?
Even the physical limitation doesn't pose much of a problem when you're committed addict. "You know I've always wanted the added financial burden of a storage shed!" "I know operators make no money but it sounds fun and I could visit pubs more often!" you start looking at friends dining rooms and subtlety suggesting they are too open plan for your liking. Etc.

Some might say we have a problem.
Even the physical limitation doesn't pose much of a problem when you're committed addict. "You know I've always wanted the added financial burden of a storage shed!" "I know operators make no money but it sounds fun and I could visit pubs more often!" you start looking at friends dining rooms and subtlety suggesting they are too open plan for your liking. Etc.

Some might say we have a problem.
I've definitely asked 3 of my friends (nonpinball people by the way - eugh!) If they would like to look after one purely just so I can get more.... Oddly they all said no 😂
I will have a one slot space in a few weeks if you want some temporary babysitting mate, and least until these weird gotts come through!

What the f am I doing.
I will have a one slot space in a few weeks if you want some temporary babysitting mate, and least until these weird gotts come through!

What the f am I doing.
Any news on those mate? I'm going to have to sell something for when they arrive 😂
Well I’ve just spunked £800 on a box of lights for WOZ “just in case” my working ones fail🤣🤣.

I haven’t although I thought about it for several nanoseconds. I must be recovering.

Mind you, I’ve “invested” in a vpin project to keep me busy until my pin shed is complete and I’m getting very excited that it may be done in June.
Well I have 9 in a space that can only really take 8, plus 2 in storage, 1 set up at my mums place. Added 1 to the lineup yesterday, and prob taking a loaner next week despite no space.

And today I nearly bought 3 in a job lot. Ffs.

It's f*cking madness and what is most worrying is I have been at this about 16 years now [emoji23] It's never gonna end is it??? Is it!!!! Help me jesus please say it will stop [emoji23]

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I definately know that feeling Grizz! I only really have space for 6.... my 11th arrived last week and yet for some reason im still on ebay and on here multiple times a day scouting for more 😂
My issues were slightly different - I had room for 7... and had 7 set up. However couldnt play them because of all the other Tat around them such as upgrades to be fitted, other arcade machines in the way etc... So the issue wasn't the machines themselves.. just the associated stuff!!

Haven't got the issue now as all are in storage after my move... They will as soon as i can be ****d to build a new pinshed....:rofl::rofl:
48 bloody hell thats insane.

I’m in the low 20s with space for 18 at a push. I really need to have a cull but it’s getting harder and harder to decide which ones I’m going to let go.

I remember sticking at two. Then turning down a cheap game when I hit 4 as nobody in their right might mind would give up the space for 5.

Terrace houses aren’t really designed for this are they? 😂
I have 5 setup in the house. 5 in storage which are my show(er) machines. One inbound which will be another show machine. I was tempted by the Walking Dead premium. The dining table would have bitten the dust if that had of happened.....meh, we have laps to dine on, haven't we?
It’s definitely a sickness although I do have history of going full throttle when I get into something - note to the 50+ player signed football shirts that live in a cupboard + every bloody games console and games in the loft🤦‍♂️
Wish I could of pictured my wife’s face when I suggested I might build a 12m x 7m extension out the back as a dedicated pin room because the current games room with 8 isn’t big enough in a 4000 sq ft house. Lol this pinball hobby is utter madness
Think thats what we all love about this crazy hobby, collecting as many as we can and playing as many thats humanly possible.
Its crazy but thats what we love about it.
Thought i would have a cull so sold 4 games to make life eaiser, really need so sell more but after selling the 4 i bought 5 more , so now i am in a worse situation than when i started and stil looking to buy more.
I really need to get the projects done that i have but instead of ploughing money into those i tend to buy whatever bargins i get offered.
I have got to start listening to my head instead of my heart. I think i am close to 20 machines or maybe more with only room for around 10. Thank goodness for good friends that can store games for me, thanks to those guys, you know who you are.
Think thats what we all love about this crazy hobby, collecting as many as we can and playing as many thats humanly possible.
Its crazy but thats what we love about it.
Thought i would have a cull so sold 4 games to make life eaiser, really need so sell more but after selling the 4 i bought 5 more , so now i am in a worse situation than when i started and stil looking to buy more.
I really need to get the projects done that i have but instead of ploughing money into those i tend to buy whatever bargins i get offered.
I have got to start listening to my head instead of my heart. I think i am close to 20 machines or maybe more with only room for around 10. Thank goodness for good friends that can store games for me, thanks to those guys, you know who you are.

Darren I think you have been at this longer than me ...so this is both good to hear...and also very worrying 🤣

Nail on the head with the bargains point ...if something comes along at a good price it's near impossible to say no :rolleyes:
I only really have space for 14, sadly plus 4 on that.First world problem I know.Centaur been on it's **** for a year.Need to swap em around.
20 years ago only had one pin, and one arcade....
So, as usual correct amount of pins to own is However many ya have
Plus one🙄
I’ve got the space but not the funds, got 12 but my allocated space will take 10 nicely so that’s my lot and 2 must go☹️
I have a credit dot obsession and even my mrs said while playing who2 that a dot has appeared🤯
  • Collecting - an easy form of hobby to fall deep into
  • Aesthetics - the fact that pinball machines are bright, flashy, attractive makes it even worse when it comes to avoiding the urge to collect; they all look like valuable artifacts when you look closely
  • Gaming - that each one is a unique game adds to the appeal
  • Endless tinkering - lots to obsess over
  • Historical appeal - Nostalgia is a helluva draw
  • Limited supply - their inherently ridiculous nature makes them run the range from uncommon to ridiculously rare - there's nothing *truly* mass-produced about any of these
Let's face it, these things are worse than crack pipes
  • Collecting - an easy form of hobby to fall deep into
  • Aesthetics - the fact that pinball machines are bright, flashy, attractive makes it even worse when it comes to avoiding the urge to collect; they all look like valuable artifacts when you look closely
  • Gaming - that each one is a unique game adds to the appeal
  • Endless tinkering - lots to obsess over
  • Historical appeal - Nostalgia is a helluva draw
  • Limited supply - their inherently ridiculous nature makes them run the range from uncommon to ridiculously rare - there's nothing *truly* mass-produced about any of these
Let's face it, these things are worse than crack pipes

^^^ nailed it
I haven't got to the... I have a problem stage yet, but I am now moving into "variety" over pure "status" of a pin... i.e. I want 3 games for the money and a bit I got for IMDN, the new house we want should have room for 10... At that point I enter the @Poibug arena (whatever +1), IMDN sale showed me I can sell them, which is good.
It must be hard to pass up on the bargains, especially if it is a machine that you might not see for a while.
But I would always rather have a few pins that I can play and enjoy than 12 tombed in a garage somewhere.
It is easy to to get carried away when you are surrounded by people on forums like this that are all the same.
I've said it before, but I think the beauty about pinball is there's no real rush to buy the machines. Yes you could argue about pinflation (that Jackbot for sale is a perfect example. 1400quid machine last year) but with machines coming all the time. There's always a pin that will catch your eye.

Here's a question for everyone. If space wasn't an issue, would you continue to buy, buy, buy if you had the cash?
Bought my first one by accident, designed the cinema around having one pin in it. Ripped out rear seats and now have three in there (fourth will fit at a push).

Got fed up not being able to play at our other place so have one there as well and plans to put a few more into the garage (dry lined with proper floor tiles ready for it).
Bought my first one by accident, designed the cinema around having one pin in it. Ripped out rear seats and now have three in there (fourth will fit at a push).

Basically what has happened to my shed, which was supposed to hold all the bikes etc. Now I'm building another shed, to hold all the bikes etc. 🤦‍♂️

It's like a pinball version of inception
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