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The next generation of pinball players or maybe not


Deleted member 181

Had a bit of a party for my boy over the weekend, so anyway we catered for the kids with bouncy castles and games that kind of thing.... Most of the kids at some point know that I have pinballs and used to have a few video games, so one by one they would walk up and ask me " can we please play the machines will? " now a year ago I would have told them all to do one, but since junior arrived i have mellowed.

So after about child ten asked I relented and turned the pins on... there was a mass exodus of children sprinting from the end of the garden and into where the pins are kept, at one point you couldn't move must have had 13 odd kids and a few parents all battering the crap out the games.

Honestly twenty minutes later the room was empty, no one left just all the games set to 4 player and abandoned with the tell tell sign of no interest, the classic ball in the shooter lane walk away :)

For a while i thought wow these kids love it, only to realise after most of the parents also looked in and then walked back out again , that you either get it or you don't.

Oh also check out the line in my ACDC on the DMD Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag


Attention span of most young kids is pretty limited though .......I have had my niece and nephew begging to go in the Shack, 10 mins later once each diff game has been played ( I say played, basically ball plunger pulled repeatedly, flippers slapped wildly , start button pressed continuously for a few minutes ) they have had their fill and are gone :rolleyes:

New adult players need coaching - they generally find dmd games pretty brutal to play and until you point out what is going on they often just dont 'get' it. Some like em, some dont .....but they will never settle in for a session like us hardcore. You wonder how we ever got like this ? :confused:

Good to see BTTF being played as always :p
Yeah your right, I don't have the patience to coach people... I just tell them to stop it from going down the misddle :)

BTTF is still turned off as its still waiting for you to look at it for me, you just left me with a pack of fuses and said there we go, hence why I have had two games on it :p
The line on the DMD it's stuck on, and my warranty is from the states so what a total ball ache that is gonna be, good reason to buy from the UK.

That's it maybe if we both keep on to Ivan he will fix the flipper , oh fu@k it I will just get the bottle of bourbon in :p
They are pulled in by all the very things designed to make pinball attractive but then the game requires a bit of thought and they don't get it.

Is that a defect in the DMD on ACDC?
Its strange, at one time I could play video games for hours but since pinball they barely hold my interest for an hour (unless its a virtual pinball).

I find myself getting annoyed at video games too whereas it doesn't happen with pinball.

Explain that one.
When you pay me for the fuses then maybe we can move on to the next stage :p:cool:

I paid you for the fuses!! and the targets that dan will now have to fit
No time for time traveling cars anymore bring on mick on a stick , to hell with all the haters :D
When people come round I let them have a couple of tries to get used to the controls and layout. Then I tell them a few things, like hit the ramp of go for the flashing light (classic line, I know). It always surprises me that some people have just a natural ability at pinball and they always leave wanting a pin, until the wife tells them no :)
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