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The last to go ........... ??

Last to leave for me... Tough Question...

There are so many machines that I don't want to ever lose but inevitability will probably dictate other wise.

Space Invaders is the one that I would be really loathed to part with, followed by my Doctor Who. The rest can come and go as desired or deals done.
I'm with @stoptap, I don't think anything is safe long term in my collection. I have no nostalgia for any machine as I never played pinball until 4 1/2 years ago. I still have my first machine, Getaway which I love and have no intention of selling, but if the right deal came along for something I really want then that woul be gone too.
The last to go for me would be Metallica very closely followed by AC/DC. Great rule set that keeps you coming back to try and reach the final wizard modes.
They also look so good together, would be very sad to split them up.
Guns and roses for me spent years trying to get it out of the palms of sir squires and now it's mine all mine..... well until I get bored of it. So probably next month ;)
Last to go?....
Probably have to be TAF......
But I'd have to be able to afford one first........
Last to go?....
Probably have to be TAF......
But I'd have to be able to afford one first........

I'd have thought the basic requirement would be to own the game before getting rid of it :D
+1 on Whirlwind

Very hard to find good System 11s due to playfield wear/ mylar/ no mylar issues. So it will not be easy to replace. Whereas good wpc and classic Bally titles do come up pretty regularly

Probably a £1,500 game, so not the most expensive title in a change of circumstances scenario

Truly classic pinball from the master designer at the peak of his powers. Best rated System 11 on Pinside and IPDB.

Controversial I know, but I do not think DMD and video modes add much to pinball, other than glare on the playfield glass

Three flipper game, which I do think is the best generic layout v two and four flipper titles
I've got games I've had for over 10 years that I haven't even unpacked or turned on. But nearly all are 'last to go' Hehe.
Gotta be Wh2o for me,
just cant beat it !

Dunno, I havent really bonded with mine since i got it.. been thinking of getting rid but maybe when i have them all set up again in my new garage/pin cave i will learn to love it again.

Loved it in the bowling alley years ago and loved yours when i played it at meets etc.
Or it might be Black Hole when I get it working again.
Lack of space makes keepers difficult for me, but the one thing I miss the most is probably Torpedo Alley. I'll be very sorry to see Apollo 13 go too.

I bought WOZ and Hobbit brand new, I imagine they'll hang around a long time. I don't see myself ever 'beating' either of them.
The last to go from my collection was BK2K on Sunday. I'm getting out of pinball ownership for a while (although I do still have a AP kindly loaned to me at the moment).

Pinball machines are only wooden boxes full of wires, coils and circuit boards after all. I've never had a problem letting games go. Games will always turn up for sale if I ever feel the need to return to owning a particular title again.

I've had over 50 machines in the last seven years, some have stayed a few years (MM, AC/DC), but most left after a few months. I've never felt the need to spend a fortune on buying parts from abroad to mod a machine - and then start worrying over losing the money invested when I sell it on.
Keep them all!!

It's tough.
BBB would probably go first, just because It could inject a lot of cash into something without having to sell many games.

Most of my games are classics, with long term appeal...
I've never fully completed the wizard modes on any of them..
Destroyed the ring on LOTR, but that's nowhere near the full game, rescued the girl loads on CFTBL but not got the Super Jackpot, and came within a gnat cock of defeating the king of Payne.
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