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The Flu Jab


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Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
As if my jet lag wasn’t bad enough and struggling to get the body clock into sync I’ve been literally floored by the flu jab this year.

Having a low immune system due to my kidney disease I always seem to get a slight cold after the jab but this years has been the worst ever!
Every joint aches, I have a constant banging head ache and my runny nose has decided to reward me with sores up there.

Is this just a man thing as the wife barely got a sniffle 😂
I have a few mates who refuse to have it and saying I told you so!
Is this years Jab causing a lot of people grief or am I in a minority.
I had my Flu jab and covid booster last Sunday. My arm ached a bit later in the day and I didn't sleep too well.
Body felt a bit achy the following day but not too bad.

Hope you feel better soon Col 🤒.
I’ve gone from bad to worse and spent most of the past 2 days in bed so maybe it’s not the jab but actual bad cold.
Either way it’s proper man cold with all the usual ailments giving me gip 😦
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