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The Big Lebowski Pinball - New **** Newsletter


Jul 21, 2011
I got the 1st email update yesterday re: Big Lebowski
I feel we're in for a long ride with this one :rolleyes:
Have to admit, I own the film on disc snd havent watched it for years but ftom memory didn't think it was anything special but need to rewatch. Can't understand why they would want to make a pinball machine with this title. It's a bit way out for my liking. Bit like Mustang. Who outside of the states would pay big money for that boring looking pin. I hope I'm wrong about big lebowski, possibly have a field like shrek and family guy. We'll see :)
When you consider the resources that JJP had, and how long it's taken them to deliver 700 ish machines, I don't have much faith we will see TBL before 2017. Seriously.
It's a strange film. I hated it. My best mate ****ing LOVES it. It's his favourite film ever and he cannot understand why I don't like it. I think the film either clicks with you and you're a fan or it doesn't and you're not!!!!
heres my 2 cents i personally love the movie it has cult status and it has loads of potential but thats just my opinion on my other side people talking about a Led Zeppelin pin in my opinion the most over rated band ever i think they are terrible and wouldnt have one even if it was offered for free but thats just my opinion :)
Watched it for the first time recently after hearing about the pin...really enjoyed the film but not so sure about the theme for a pinball...hope someone can shed some light to why it would make a great theme?
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