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TFTC new roms!

Ordered some blank ROMs, looking forward to checking the new code out.
Not had chance so far, however planning to burn off 6-7 sets of these, and will bring with me to NLP. If you want to find me - Ask @replicas or @ronsplooter or @TYHO - most should be able to point you in my direction (should be there from midday onwards...

Cost - As ever, Cost price - £10 per set (No postage at NLP) :)

If anyone wants these posted, I'll rattle some off on Sunday ready for the post office first thing Monday morning :)

Hi @Paul - thats great.....I am there on Saturday so will try and find you. If not i'll drop you an email on here with postal details and get payment over to you if thats ok!
6 Sets of TFTC Roms all burnt ready for Saturday if needed :). @Cryptkeeper - will sort you out (ooeerr) On Sunday and get you some in the post :)

All Roms As per original website - Patched, and MD5 hashes checked after images created to ensure patches have been correctly installed. All Roms verified all ok on burning :)

As mentioned before - £10 a set (of 2 - Display and Game Rom)....

@cooldan @Davey D - See you at NLP :) @cooldan - Keep the old ones in case theres a problem with these, or you prefer the old ones!
@Andypuk - You at NLP? or if not and you are in Birmingham I may be able to drop em in as i work there, or stick them in the post Sunday...

If anyone else wants one then drop me a line or find me at NLP Saturday :)

If anyone has a JP they also want upgrading to V6.00, I can look at this on Sunday also if required :)

@Paul yes will be at the NLP Saturday all day - will try and find you in the afternoon. If not i'll drop you a PM on here and will sort out either way (dropping in or posting) - Thanks!!
In case you miss it - Those that picked up these from me on the weekend, I have successfully managed to Program them the wrong way around :( And because they are Different physical size chips, that are NOT interchangeable.

I think this will only affect @cooldan @Davey D and @Andypuk

If you have put them in, it wont damage the machine - it just wont boot.... :(

I have PM'ed you all. Many thanks to Andypuk for the headsup, and I'm currently sorting the issue :(

Schoolboy error :( More worried that the programmer managed to happily program 4Mb of data onto a 512K chip, AND verify it correctly!
Doh! What a mistaka to make. Indeed it's strange how it managed to verify 4mb on a 512kb chip :hmm:
Just installed the new ROMs and played a few credits. I got "Skull Crackin'" for first mode and it immediately started the new 2 ball multiball in that mode :) Loving the changes I've seen/heard so far.
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