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TBL, MG, Predator updates


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Jul 21, 2011
Its all kicking off on pinside!

Popadiuk has somehow built and is shipping a handful of magic girls after being threatened with a court case. There's lots of pictures and a couple of vids but nothing actually showing mechs working. God knows what's happening with RAZA or AIW

SkitB is currently being dragged through court to find out where all of the missing predator money is. There's a great audio file of a hearing last week where he was hammered by the judge. He bought a $25k mobile home and paid off $30k of his wife's house at the same time everyone's money disappeared

Dutch Pinball have shipped 19 TBLs but a falling out with their pf manufacturer has brought everything to a grinding halt. Lots of people talking about requesting refunds now

The pre-order model is well and truly dead now!
Making Pinball machines is hard. :rofl:

I shouldn't laugh as i got dry bummed on Predator, but its very clear that the manufacturing of Pinball machines is much harder than trying to remove peanut butter from the roof of your mouth. There's so much involved, its a mine field of disasters, delays and ultimately broken promises.

Anyone preordering with any company should be getting a profit percentage on completion of their purchase which should be taken from the total cost of their new machine. Companies take advantage of your desire and make you pay dearly for it. Don't let them!
The DP situation really is a mess. They've shipped 55 machines and apparently have another 40 ready to go at the factory, but ARA won't release them. They are claiming DP won't pay, but DP are claiming that ARA want an extra €1000+ more than agreed for each machine. It looks like it's heading into litigation and DP are seeking an agreement with another contract manufacturer, but ARA played a large part in designing the final game based on the prototype and apparently own the rights to the board designs etc.

I'm somewhat lucky in that I already have my TBL, but I'm concerned about the future of DP at this point. I very much hope they find a solution for the sake of those yet to receive a machine, but I also hope that if another manufacturer is sourced that the redesigned boards etc are compatible with the 55 machines already delivered.

Making pinball machines really is hard.
Just in case my in joke gets missed. The "Making pinball machines is hard" quote was made by Kevin Kulek (Skit-B scammer, liar, thief) when addressing the concerns surrounding the lack of license for Predator.
When you look at the pinball business as a whole it is jaw dropping. People pump thousands of pounds/dollars on games they haven't even seen or played.
I would never spend that kind of money on a game I'd never seen or played. The Pinside thread about Batman66 tells you all you need to know. Folk whinging that it is clunky and the rules are shît. Well fooking wait until you have played one then before ordering !
Ahh, pre-ordering. Not for the faint hearted is it? People who pre-ordered WOZ, The Hobbit or MMR got a decent discount - partly due to the £ collapsing further and partly due to prices increasing subsequently . Not sure I'd want to put myself through it again though. Even ordering a machine from Stern / JJP before you've played it is a gamble. For every TWD there is a Kiss or WWF. It must be absolutely gutting to spend £8k on a total clunk-fest that the manufacturers then seem just to disown.
I'd love to play a premium Aerosmith but there's no way I'm going to be the person who buys it first. Anyone on here order one?
Ahh, pre-ordering. Not for the faint hearted is it?

I didn't think I'd ever get involved with a pre-order, but Lebowski was my ultimate dream theme so I took the gamble. Never again. I'm one of the lucky few with a machine to show for it at this point, but the journey wasn't easy. I still have unresolved problems with the machine despite receiving it eight months ago now, but slowly getting there. I wouldn't say I regret it, but it's been far from easy.
dutch pinball taking legal action for the remaining machines is nuts, they are going to lose out even if they win the case which under dutch law - good luck!
I'm receiving MG tomorrow, in the UK. Yay :)

I'd also like to give a big up to Phil (pinball heaven) for recommending a great shipper (Chicago to UK air freight $405.00). Amazing & thanks again Phil.
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I'm receiving MG tomorrow, in the UK. Yay :)

I'd also like to give a big up to Phil (pinball heaven) for recommending a great shipper (Chicago to UK air freight $405.00). Amazing & thanks again Phil.

Apologies if I'm getting my wires crossed. But is that you John? You're the only person I can ever recall preordering last time I probably saw you back in 2012. If so hope you're well. If not I'll get my coat.
Hi! Yes it's John here broadcasting from Hampshire.

I don't post here much/enough, but pre-ordered MG in Aug 2011, so 2012 would be spot-on! I also ordered around then Nemo (received). RAZA (nope), Predator (nope) and P3 (shipping in April). Wasn't 2012 quite a year..? ;-) Not the most successful one though!

And 5 years later I turn up again here, heh.
Hi! Yes it's John here broadcasting from Hampshire.

I don't post here much/enough, but pre-ordered MG in Aug 2011, so 2012 would be spot-on! I also ordered around then Nemo (received). RAZA (nope), Predator (nope) and P3 (shipping in April). Wasn't 2012 quite a year..? ;-) Not the most successful one though!

And 5 years later I turn up again here, heh.

Cool. It's Gaz btw who bought your sttng. Glad to hear MG is on its way.
I'm receiving MG tomorrow, in the UK. Yay :)

I'd also like to give a big up to Phil (pinball heaven) for recommending a great shipper (Chicago to UK air freight $405.00). Amazing & thanks again Phil.

After reading the comments on Pinside regarding MG - hope you get one that (kind of) works!

Sounds like a nightmare!
After reading the comments on Pinside regarding MG - hope you get one that (kind of) works!

Sounds like a nightmare!
I received it today late-morning, and started pre-flight checks that are continuing tomorrow. It has issues but is a solid machine, with a lovely sound and video system. I had an initial shock as no video display, but it was just the HDMI cable which had disconnected!

As an ordinary home collector dude, I want to get it into a good working order, as we do with all our machines, right? I'll be updating hardware and software to achieve this, until everything is working.

So, a challenge, but a beautiful piece of art and certainly not a nightmare :)

Martin is reviewing for Pinball News on Tuesday.
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Why don't these new pinball companies use boardsets from wpc games?

Low volume car companies have often used engines, gearboxes, electrical componentry etc etc sourced from existing parts bins. So the model is well established. Indeed, even major car companies do all manner of joint ventures to save money and derisk the whole endeavour.

These things are tried and tested. Repairable. Aftermarket guys exist like rottendog, so it must be possible

IMHO 20 years of "progress" in pinball has yielded very little. Modern sound boards are definitely better - so I would include one of these.

But these guys seem to want to reinvent reliable tech that already exists? To replace with fiendishly complex and expensive tech that has questionable longevity
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I hope STTNG lasted well, although I think you sold it since :)

It was in the days of when I only had space for 2 I'm afraid so it went during the great revolving door policy of 2012!! Traded for whirlwind.
Next time I'm your way I'll drop u a line mate. Would love to play mg
For those of you not looking at Pinside there's been a new twist in the Predator story. Kevin's entire house has been flooded out (as he lives on a flood plain). His wife has gone seeking donations to help them out and is getting very annoyed that people are pointing out that he's a lying con artist. Guess that will reduce the amount of sympathy they get. Pinsiders are in their own fantasy world with a couple speculating that he deliberately bought the house knowing it would flood. Still can't believe I was stupid enough to send him cash:cuckoo:
Kevin appears to have disappeared also!

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The DP guys appear to have found a new CM and claim that production will start shortly.

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Just dragging up this old thread.....

I see the only production model of Predator pinball is now at Galloping Ghost Arcade. Available for all the public to play.

8:14 mins onwards
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Just dragging up this old thread.....

I see the only production model of Predator pinball is now at Galloping Ghost Arcade. Available for all the public to play.

8:14 mins onwards

At least mugs like me that lost every penny on that machine can play it for free .... Shame the guy that sold it didn’t distribute the money between everyone that paid for it ?
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