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Super Happy Right Now!

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
At last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picked this baby up 9 days ago and it's been 'tombstoning' in my garage ever since. Finally got it into the house today.

Massive thanks to Martin The Delivery Man who helped me up the couple of steps to my house with this and another game whilst he was here picking up Point Blank for somebody. He really is a diamond. :clap:

Anyway...... I'm pretty happy right now. Some pics:





Some of you may have worked out who I bought this from by looking at the awesome topper mod! I bugged him for months to sell me this puppy. :rolleyes:
If he's reading this: Thanks again man! You've made me very happy. :thumbs:
Looks in great nick Dean, glad you found one eventually. I've never seen or played one yet...... one day.
Good work soldier :cool: Right back to where it all began ........ looks just a *little* bit nicer than the one I sold you way back when ;)

Take tomorrow off and play the cr*p out of it. That's an order.

Orders received and understood.
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