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STTNG resetting constantly


Site Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
HELP!!!! my STTNG has suddenly just started resetting in the middle of every game. Can someone start pointing me in the right direction please?

I believe this is normally something to do with the 5V supply to the CPU board dropping out. Is that correct ?

Cheers Kev
First thing would be to follow Andy Netherwoods reset advice .....reposted below. Resetting the connectors mentioned may help.

Andy N's reset blurb ...........................

A problem with BR2 is a possibility, but is in fact rarely the cause
of most reset problems.

It is more likely that there is a bad power connector. You need to
carry out these checks first.

Measure against ground on a DC scale the voltage reading at TP2 on
the power board – the 5V test point. If this is below 4.9 V then you
have a problem on the power board, either with the LM323K regulator
or the J101 power input connector.

Look to the right hand side of the power board and locate connector
J101 which has red and blue wires. Remove and replace a couple of
times. If it is scorched then it needs replacing. Re-check the 5V and
see if any improvement.

If still less than 4.9V then replace LM323K rectifier.

If 4.9v or above, make a note of the reading and then take another
measurement on the CPU on the top end of the copper coil you can see
to the right hand edge of the CPU. If this is more than 0.04V less
than the recorded reading from TP2 then the power connector between
the two boards is at fault.

Locate the short grey ribbon connector that joins the CPU and power
driver board.

Now remove and replace the connector directly below this on the power
driver board. Do this several times, which basically removes
contaminants and improves connectivity.

This may well solve the problem, but it may re-emerge in the future
and the connector may need replacing long term.

If all the voltages are good, and you have more than 4.9V
consistently on the CPU then you are at liberty to replace BR2 and
its capacitor.
Thanks Grizz time to get the meter out!!

RGV FYI it happens randomly anytime even when not using the flippers
in addition, you should make sure that the square socketed chip on the cpu is fully pressed home.
Power drop from the connection between the main power board and the CPU board it appears. Bit of cleaning on the pin connectors on the CPU board and a re-seat and alls well with the world :D.

Thanks @DrPinball for the help, especially as he only came over to show me how to install his DMD extender :)
Power drop from the connection between the main power board and the CPU board it appears. Bit of cleaning on the pin connectors on the CPU board and a re-seat and alls well with the world :D.

Thanks @DrPinball for the help, especially as he only came over to show me how to install his DMD extender :)
Nice to know your Fish Tales is back up and running.
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