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Sttng black legs

What's a good company that does powder coating and what sort of price am I looking at thanks
Yes but I can't remember how much? It wasn't a lot and still worth it as the legs are really nice and match my powder-coated parts really well.
Thanks did you also get the gun powder coated or did you spray it
Spy hunters came with black legs i think but id buy new as coating will not be far off the price after shipping blasting ( if they are chrome ) as you can't powder coat chrome effectively . And coating

I have a brilliant coater 3 units away I use him all the time for all my stuff.

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Really??? Powder coating was cheap last time I looked.... That was a while ago tho!!!!
Was only going by a leg is around £15 - £20 each to buy new. But I was on about more cost if you have to post and or if your legs need shot blasting etc you can still run up to £50-£60 if prep and pre treatment is needed first all depending if condition is good and it's not chrome . My guys always moan if I give them chrome items

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