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Stripping pain off coin door


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Jul 24, 2011
North West UK
Si from the group kindly sent me a spare coin door he had, to replace the security thing on my FT. It needs a bit of work, including a respray (some paint has chipped away, and there is a bit of rust to sort out). I have the paint that I want to use on it (Rust-Oleum black hammered finish) but want to remove all the existing paint before respraying. Has anyone has had experience of removing the paint from a coin door, and the most effective technique? Would something like Nitromors do a decent job?
I wouldn't bother removing it all because you need something for the paint to key onto. I normally wire wool or sandpaper the whole thing and then use a bit of Krust rust treatment where needed. Then I just spray with Hammerite hammered concentrating on building up those bare areas. Not perfect but saves you a ton of effort. Not sure Nitromors would remove powder coat either.
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