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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
during all this s--tty weather ,hurricane strength winds etc, has everyones man caves/shacks survived the onslaught, is andy dreads still with us,o_O i know he`s right on the coast ?
My man cave is my block garage which I built, with a steel corrugated roof. I've been in there lately day and night during this rubbish weather and it's sometimes felt that the damn roof was about to lift off in 1 piece. It appears to be just wind oscillating under the cladding but it does make 1 keep an eye on the roof when in there :eek:

Was very lucky got two 80 ft trees right next to the games room and after last nights storm I am one tree down and it misseed every thing by inches.
Will get some pics at the weekend when I start to cut it up and get rid.
Mine is still good, but the tree next to the cabin on my neighbours side fell onto his shed, and I'm missing a few fence panels which has given me an excuse to get a new one with concrete posts and gravel boards, the rain had really soaked into the wooden posts and turned them soft
during all this s--tty weather ,hurricane strength winds etc, has everyones man caves/shacks survived the onslaught, is andy dreads still with us,o_O i know he`s right on the coast ?
Fortunately I am high up but this was the view from my window a couple weeks back, this guy's £700,000 house and pinball mancave is deffo a bit damp :(

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The trouble I find with playing pinball underwater, is the ball travels much slower and I can't hear the sounds!!...... not recommended guys

Was very lucky got two 80 ft trees right next to the games room and after last nights storm I am one tree down and it misseed every thing by inches.

Bl**dy-hell, I've seen those, very lucky indeed. That's one less to fell this summer !
Whatever happened to Nick at pins anon Grizz??? was once such a big name in pinball,then nothing.

Didnt he get a whole new perspective on life after a near death experince in his jeep or something ?

He certainly had a passion for pins and the shows...
The Monster Meets were truly awesome and I have great memories of them,apart from the Syson incident!
I'm still in touch with Nick, he's still alive just no enthusiasm for pinball anymore. He's busy with life and raising two kids :)

How strange, to go from 1 extreme to the next. Being 1 of the biggest names for collecting and dealing etc etc to gone pretty much for good.
Bought a few machines from him back in the day when they were more sensibly priced. Nice guy.

I have seen that a few times in hobbies. They come in, burn bright are in the thick of it then move on. Sometimes you get so involved that it makes you over sensitive and then boom, you have seen it all and done it all.

If anyone is in the Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire area and need a fallen tree cleared up then let me know and I can help chop them up. I need to justify this chainsaw I bought and also need logs for future winters.

I keep thinking one of the protected trees on my property must fall over soon but all are still looking quite strong. I had to sort out the gutters but now the water is running off down the hill so no flooding in that respect. Except for the utility room at the rear of the house that is partially submerged into the hill, that keeps filling up with a bit of water that I think is coming through the soil on the other side.

Keep safe and dry out there.
Holy Crap! It is really bad here tonight. Can't get in or out of my town now due to flooded roads and trees down. Multiple lorries blown over now too. The wind is wild. Even the dog is scared! :(

Hope everyone is OK. Stay safe people.
Holy Crap! It is really bad here tonight. Can't get in or out of my town now due to flooded roads and trees down. Multiple lorries blown over now too. The wind is wild. Even the dog is scared! :(

Hope everyone is OK. Stay safe people.

Dang ! Wonder if it will hit us in a couple hours then . Lot of rain here today - wind not been that bad actually.

EDIT - Holy crap just watching a b it on c4 news ....that looks mental down yr way. Head for the shelter !
Holy Crap! It is really bad here tonight. Can't get in or out of my town now due to flooded roads and trees down. Multiple lorries blown over now too. The wind is wild. Even the dog is scared! :(

Hope everyone is OK. Stay safe people.

Absolutely mad here in South Devon on the coast, it's coming your way so be prepared!

Spent the last hour moving anything lose in the garden to the garage, these are the strongest winds so far this year.
Some Nut Job from Sky News camped out on the sea front here! They keep cutting over to him. Dude can barely stay standing! Get indoors you loon!! :confused:
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