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Stern style backbox chrome strip


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10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
Kevin Donovan
I like the look of the chrome strip fitted around the front edge of some modern Sterns and wouldn't mind fitting some to my RBION. Has anyone bought anything suitable? I can't see the right width on eBay, needs to be 18mm or 3/4"
Yeah it's t molding but you can get self adhesive strip that will do the same. I just can't find the right size.
Bought some of this from amazon and just fitted it, enough to do 4 machines, not bad for £16.55!. It's not T molding, has peel and stick foam strips along the back. I like the look so fitted to my i500, shadow and getaway too. I think it actually suits the latter machines more than the RBION because it matches the side rails, very happy with the result;

Aww you could have mitred the corners ;)

Seriously tho looks quite good - ideal if you want to hide some minor cab damage....
Kev, you're turning in to Neil....! :D Not to mention that two of them used to be his...! :eek: Mind you you've a way to go yet.... ;)
Thanks, RFM to the left too although it's not working, waiting for motherboard and prism card to come back.
Where did you send the Prism card to? Mine failed about a month after getting the machine and I couldn't get it repaired. Eventually had to track another one down. I've got a spare motherboard though if yours isn't repairable.
Looks great Kev. Did you just stick it over on RBION or remove the original T moulding? If former would have thought it might stick out too far?

Was thinking of doing similar to to my RBION

Looks great Kev. Did you just stick it over on RBION or remove the original T moulding? If former would have thought it might stick out too far?

Was thinking of doing similar to to my RBION

I stuck it over the top, don't think it sticks out too far. The original black stuff is thin and a little curved but it fits over it nicely I think. You would want yellow though wouldn't you?
Where did you send the Prism card to? Mine failed about a month after getting the machine and I couldn't get it repaired. Eventually had to track another one down. I've got a spare motherboard though if yours isn't repairable.

PM sent.
I stuck it over the top, don't think it sticks out too far. The original black stuff is thin and a little curved but it fits over it nicely I think. You would want yellow though wouldn't you?
No chrome as yellow would be OTT:)
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