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Stern Metallica launch party - sponsored by Pinball Heaven.

Matt Vince

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I am pleased to announce that there will be a launch party for Stern's Metallica at The Pipeline on Saturday 27th July with dorrs opening at 2pm. There will be a high score contest on a limited edition Master of Puppets which will also be resident at the bar from then onwards! There will be prizes (thanks to Pinball Heaven) and the competition will earn WPPR points too.

There will also be a side competition on the other machines in the bar, these will be:

AC/DC Premium
Medieval Madness
Addams Family
White Water
Twilight Zone
World Cup Soccer

More details to follow shortly!!
Arrrragh! This Sunday (SE league), next Sunday (Surrey league), week after Metallica. Then PP. Oh well better schedule the divorce for late Aug. Why can I not see Anna being happy with this schedule?!?:confused: Wonder if I can pop out to the shop for a while and nip to the pipeline and back before she susses?
I'm jealous, that sounds like a great calendar full of fun. Does Anna not let you off, as you always take Matthew out with you? Or is she fed up as she's still looking after your little girl? If we can get her into pinball then she can join in, and Anna will get to ...... do whatever pinball widows do on Sundays. I dunno, read a book or something.

Toyed with taking 'Becca as well but there's only so much double flipping from a 6 year old I can take in an afternoon. Mind you she's not the one who threw up over Mr Vince's lovely restored AFM.......
For those thinking of coming along, we have T-shirts, posters, trophies and WPPR points up for grabs! Entry is Free! and we will have some other comps on the other machines in the Pipeline too! Just be gentle with my new baby (Nah!! sod that, give it a good spanking!!!!) ;)
Alas I can't make it along - but i'm stoked to hear about 'the Pipeline'.

As a relative newcomer to Pinball and also a Northerner I wasn't familiar with the venue. I'm pleased to hear where it is, and by a strange twist of fate it's only a few doors from a training venue i'll be attending in a few months. I'll be sure to drop in for a few drinks and hopefully a few games. :)
I see it starts at 2 pm... what's the latest time you need to arrive by in order to take part in the competition? this is London after all... :cool:
Right not taking anything from Matt's original post but us up North seem to be missing out, No
With even more thanks to Phill at Pinball Heaven we have another Metallica but the Dirty Donny Prem winging its way over to DFD for anyone going to his birthday bash to play on this Saturday.
And if you can't make Daves then it will be winging its way down to the final Midlands meet at Terrys on the Sunday.
So the Northern/Midlands lads and lasses might not miss out completely.
Huge thanks to Pinball Heaven for this, Cheers Phil.
I see it starts at 2 pm... what's the latest time you need to arrive by in order to take part in the competition? this is London after all... :cool:

The latest time for guaranteed entries is 4pm, we may extend this depending on numbers, I know we have players travelling from overseas, so we should have a good turn-out!
Shame on you spelling Addams Family with one D.

There are a couple of spelling mistakes on that flyer, but considering it was donated to me I won't name and shame the maker. I thought it was a great job though! After collaborating all the prizes and promotional material that we have for the show, i can safely say that everyone attending will leave with something! A huge thanks to the many contributors.
Hope everything goes well for you today, don't forget take plenty of pictures as we like seeing pictures on the forum.
Happy flippin guy's and gal's.
Thank you to everyone that contributed towards todays launch party, it was a great success and will hopefully not be the last!

Special mentions to Phil @ Pinball Heaven, Thomas and all the team @ The Pipeline, Justin and Robin the birthday boy!

There were too many prizes for anyone to go home empty handed, Metallica was well received and apart from an invading frenchman stealing our Sparky trophy, everything went to plan.

The final standings were:

1 Franck Bona
2 Stan Simpson
3 Matt Vince
4 Martin Ayub
5 Tim Slow
6 CJ Brown
7 Mark Potter
8 Peter Blakemore
9 Abdellah Aouragh
10 Pete Hannan
11 Nick Hill
12 Vin Jauhal
13 Justin Walker
14 Tim Thornton
15 Adam Burns
16 Robin Kemp
17 Isobel Pike
18 Ben Pike
19 Keith Fransham
20 Caz Bowles
21 Bret Burns
22 Mark Johnson
23 Steve Pagett
24 Neil Fellender
25 Mike Kindler
26 Richard Wade
27 Shaun Walker
28 Dan Pike
29 Maria Evrenos
30 Erica Carnero
31 Daniel Burns
32 Victor Machant
33 John Whitfield
34 Emily Abbey
35 Louis Smith
36 Owen Richards
37 Rebecca Whitfield
38 Tiziana Dimastrogiovanni
39 Ben Tyler
40 Sophie Walker
41 Paul Morris
41 Will Collins
41 Brendon Clough

See you all at in Daventry!

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