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Stern flipper *buzz*


Site Supporter
Aug 11, 2011
Southampton, UK
Is there a fix for this?

The left flipper on my Tron makes the same buzz my Transformers makes, however the right flipper is is REALLY loud.

Just found this:

Use the method below:

1 - Remove the coil bracket and drop down the coil.
2 - put the coil bracket in a vise with the screw mount side in the vise. Very small increments until the buzzing stop
3 - bend the stop so when it is mounted back it will make the coil fit tighter.
4 - replace coil bracket. It will be a little more difficult but will go in. Make sure there is no rub of the plunger on the bracket. If there is you bent it way too much pinballbash.com_forum_Smileys_default_smiley.gif

I have found the buzzing is from the coil vibrating back and forth when just a little loose in between the coil stop and coil bracket. This has worked for all my newer Sterns.


From: http://pinballbash.com/forum/index.php?topic=1789.0
Hey dude, yeah I understand the buzz, but the right flipper on this one buzzes like a ****ing 40ft mutant wasp
My lotr's right flipepre does this and i royally screwed myself thinking i could use the above fix to make it stop. Oh how wrong i was. I either ended up with weaker flippers with no noise, or mega power with the noise. I ended up wasting lots of hours on one poxy flipper and still couldnt get it to stop. The buzzing is caused by Sterns software timing so it will always be there to some degree.
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