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STAR WARS (DE) Launch Ball not working :(


Dec 30, 2018
North East
Hi Guys

Got this in the last few weeks from @scottydoesntknow.

Very nice machine, and played well from day 1. But just ran into some issues.

During the first week the ball launch stopped working. But the fix was simple, it had unbolted its self from the bracket. So after putting all back together and nipping up the screws all was once again good. Had a good few hours on the machine since.

However this weekend something strange happened...

I was on multi ball, and every drained ball got re-launched. I wasn't sure if something was up or that It was part of the game.
Suddenly the balls weren't launching and 2 of them were stuck in the shooter lane. (I could be mistaken but I feel it then started to try and launch both of them before it died)
After I lost the Final ball that was left, I turned the machine off and back on without the glass present,
To cut a long story short the balls no longer launch.

So Far...

I've tested all solenoids in test menu and all fire except this.

" Star Wars games instantly starts multi-ball mode when a game is started. Balls just keep popping into the shooter lane and then are shot onto the playfield."
"Answer: This is an incredibly common problem, and is very confusing. This problem is nearly always cold solder joints on the "L/R" relay, on the PPB board. ................"

Sounds similar apart from this happened mid game.
Unless that problem has gone, one observation is that on powering on and pressing start - only one ball is ejecting to lane as it should.

I'm new to pinball, and new to fixing electronics. So pre novice.
I only have 1 other pin a BTTF, I have chanced sockets and reflowed the odd connection to get working when that failed. Prior to this was 20+ years at school when I last soldered.

I've got a volt meter and a soldering iron at hand, so hopefully something I can sort.
Im going to take a look now, as I have been told I'm "allowed" while tea is on.

Any help, or guidance on what to test first would be much appreciated.
I haven't checked fuses, mainly because from what I have read, the shooter shares fuses with other things, and all else works.

Much appreciated
Oh sorry to here that John, afraid im no help with fixes i can only just about do flipper rebuilds! @pinballmania would be the best for solutions i can think of as hes always fixed all my machines in the past, only thing i can think of is the coil as i had 1 overheat on my de batman once which stopped it from working, gopinballs sorted that one for me, hope u get it sorted
Hi John

Sounds like 2 issues here .
1.Too many balls being fed into the shooter lane, or not registering when they drain is almost certainly gonna be a switch in the ball trough playing up. Often as simple as the actuator arm binding against the playfield or something and just needs a tweak or a clean. If you remove the apron it makes it easier to see the switch arms and balls. You can then investigate the actions. You should hear the switch click closed and then the arm should spring back to its rest position if no ball is sitting on it. Have a play around with the power off. You can then test them in the Diagnostics menu switch tests.

2. The ball launch solenoid not firing - start simple .... has a wire come off the coil ?
Well Scott, didn't even want to hassle you with this, if you were about and could help I know you would see here just how you have done.
This is why I was clear to say it worked well on arrival and a while after.


OK so the solenoid had a wire off, fixed that and it seemed fine. (must have become loose when bracket came loose, as it was suspended under table by the wires)

BUT then.... MULTIBALL - still shooting non stop even if no ball (all on PLAYFIELD)

After doing a switch test I discovered switch 3 in the, is it called trough? - wasn't working. Fiddled with that and now working and initial test looks promising.

I forgot I had a issue with ball drain the night before, but hitting a flipper once or twice resolved it (probably vibration shock)

My theory is... because the switch was either stuck on or something, the machine kept trying to launch ball 3 thinking it was still on the switch.
Then the contact shaking of solenoid shook the cable off and went dead.

I'm off to put back together to do some proper testing, but I think all 3 issues: drain, constant multi ball, no ball launch have been fixed. I'll confirm later

SGT GrizZ: you just replied as finishing my reply - you were right on everything, and at least I know my common sense approach with next to no knowledge of pinball was in the right direction :)
Appreciated all the same -thanks :thumbs:
Awesome looks like you sorted it yourself good work! I have been fitting some munster mods which was nice and easy today, got a shooter rod plaque thing but cant bring myself to taking the plunger apart to fit it! Sorry i couldnt be more help hope u get to enjoy it now
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