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Star Trek - some gameplay videos

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Not the ridiculous 10 second vid of the flippers that Stern posted :rolleyes:

This one on Facebook posted by Pinball Memories - not great but shows a little more, you can hear some of the sounds, callouts etc, cant see much evidence of the fancy 'starfield' lighting. I guess that maybe kicks in at certain times. Who knows.

Still holding out judgement until the LE vids are out. Looks fast so thats a plus for me right now.

It always gets to me that Stern don't make their own gameplay vids before some guy in a bar lets the cat out the bag.
Hmmmm. Take Spiderman and remove the cool drop target bank and Doc Ock magnet and what are you left with? Don't think this will be one for me. Still want to play it though:p
It is looking a little light on gadgets. The Pro appears to be one drop target/lock thingy. Err and thats it .....I dont think we can start counting ramps and spinners as features as such :eek:

I still think its gonna be a blast to play, just seems pretty unimaginative design wise.
STTNG at least had 2 cannons and loads of subways to speed the game up. The sparseness of the table makes Iron Man and Big Buck Hunter look like Twilight Zone. The sound and light show and rules will have to be immense to save this game.
Yeah, nice light show when starting game. Lots of 'into darkness' cartoonised footage on the dmd, almost seems a bit daft sticking 'nero' in there too?

We almost got to see 'Vengeance' mode where the ship apparently shakes like the mothership in AFM but the guy drained right at the end. Cant wait to see part 2.
Nice use of controlled LED lighting on the pro, that's what I felt my old Metallica was let down by.. The LEDs on these new games make such a difference especially controlled
Looks like a great game , love the colours on the playfield looks pretty retro.
Duplicate post. As I was watching it Carl beat me to it. Looks good though.
Looking good to me so far. Fast, nice sound and lighting. Think I want one already....
The Pro looks, sounds and plays great, looks like. It's avery 'traditional' layout though so it's never going to set the world on fire unless it gets some great rules. Here's hoping. Looking forward to see the light show on the LE/Premiums too.
Looks fast with good flow but it's hardly breaking new ground in pinball is it? no fear is fast with lots of flow too. Maybe I'll change my mind when I play it but pretty underwhelmed. I feel they have taken a leap backwards with the artwork too after Metallica
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