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Spike 2 Slam Tilt issue


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
I've had my Foo premium since last June and it's played flawlessly until yesterday, the day I hosted a league meet icon_evil.gif. In practice while I was playing it the shot sounds stopped playing, then SLAM TILT followed by a full reset. l played again straight after, same again. Now in December/January I replaced 8 x GI lamp sockets that had just exploded so my first call was to lift the playfield and look for a short off any GI socket, straight away found 2 more just fallen apart! FFS Stern quality at its best! I don't think either of these sockets were causing the problem but taped up the loose GI connections anyway. A few games later it slam tilted and reset again so it was turned off for the day. Has anyone else had this issue? I don't think it's an actual slam tilt, there is no slam tilt switch. Also the machine went a bit wonky for about 10 seconds with loss of sounds before the slam tilt message. If the GI lamps falling apart did cause a short I believe the result is normally a message about a short on whichever string is affected, not a slam tilt. There's a thread on pinside about the same issue with no conclusions reached ( a few people have had it happen ).
Sounds like a cabinet node issue.
Does the premium come with a shaker?
No but I added a shaker supplied by Phil. I've temporarily unplugged the shaker and had 1 game this evening which went fine ( it played fine for 30 minutes yesterday after the initial 2 x slam tilts before it did it again ). I'll play test some more, and maybe swap cab node board with another machine tomorrow, see if I can isolate the issue.

Thanks for the reply @Pick Holder
I'd say it was a bug in the operating system.

Have you replaced the SD card with a decent branded one like SanDisk?
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Was there not a capacitor kit released to resolve slam tilt issues?
Pretty sure I fitted one on mine when I fitted my shaker.
Was there not a capacitor kit released to resolve slam tilt issues?
Pretty sure I fitted one on mine when I fitted my shaker.
Yes and I've fitted them too, but that was to older versions of the cabinet node board, shouldn't need 1 on Foo Fighters ( I believe). Good shout though, I'm going to double check that. I could swap a cap kit off another machine and try it.
Yes and I've fitted them too, but that was to older versions of the cabinet node board, shouldn't need 1 on Foo Fighters ( I believe). Good shout though, I'm going to double check that. I could swap a cap kit off another machine and try it.
One of the shaker motor kits I installed (supplied by Phil) had the inline capacitor.

It was the pinsound shaker kit.

You could of killed the node if it was supplied and unfitted......
One of the shaker motor kits I installed (supplied by Phil) had the inline capacitor.

It was the pinsound shaker kit.

You could of killed the node if it was supplied and unfitted......
I think all the shakers I've had off Phil have been Pinball Life shakers. No inline caps.

I've had about a dozen games ( and a code update last night ) since Sundays slam tilts without issue. Monitoring.....
The issues with my Foo Fighters appear to be resolved so I thought I'd update this thread, may help someone in the future.

As mentioned above my Foo Fighters suddenly started Slam tilting one day back in March ( the day of my league meet! :mad: ). The next day and for a few weeks it was fine then it went downhill rapidly. Basically when playing the insert lamps would freeze and switches would stop registering. I could still flip the ball around but nothing registered then after a few seconds the lamps and switches would come back. Sometimes the sound would start playing up. The stuff on the display always worked fine.

Node bus test showing node bus intermittently failing then recovering....

I contacted Phil who put me onto Stern Tech support so followed their instructions going forward. Kyle at Stern was superb, pretty responsive ( bar for the time difference ) and he assured me they would send me whatever parts were required once we had got to the bottom of the issue. Luckily I have plenty of other sterns here so swapping boards not an issue for me but not sure how that would go if this was a 1 stern house. Anyway, things we tried that didn't fix the issue....

Disconnect shaker motor, speaker lights and led strip I'd fitted
New SD card
Swap out each of the machines network cables, one at a time
Disconnect QR reader
Disconnect serial connections that go to lamp boards ( CN2 on node 8 and 9 )
Disconnect serial connector that goes to trough opto board ( CN3 node 8 )
Swap CPU with another machine
Swap cabinet node board with another machine

And finally....
Swap node board 8 with another machine.
This seems to have fixed the issues 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
I've had maybe 2 dozen games with no problems. I've swapped back in the suspect node board and issues returned, and I've now fitted a new board that stern sent me.

The LED's on node 8 and all the other node boards including the CPU never showed there was an issue and even in the node test the whole node bus was brought down, not just node 8 so there literally was no way to know which was the faulty board, bar for swapping boards out until the faulty one was found. Stern say they've never seen this issue before ( hence the weeks of back and forth with them trying each suggestion )

My fingers are firmly crossed.

Interestingly the board they sent me was a new revision, 520-1057-00 compared to the older board 520-7017-72 and has some slight differences. Hopefully these changes are for reliability rather than cost cutting.

Oh and while I was there I replaced 2 more GI lamp sockets that had exploded, that's 10 now replaced :mad:
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