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South Coast Slam 2014 - Raiders Of The Lost Arcade. Official thread.

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3 CFTBL. Mine is going to get unhappy if she has competition. ;)
Who else is bringing one?

Started work on Apollo 13 yesterday as I was too ill to work on the house. I spent 3 hours tracing a very odd switch error where half the row worked, all switches seemed to work and they all had continuity. I finally spotted that the slingshot showed signs of repair and the wires were incorrect. Five minutes of soldering later and those switches were fixed.
Now to find out how to sort the magnet in the moon out or we are not going to the moon.
3 CFTBL. Mine is going to get unhappy if she has competition. ;)
Who else is bringing one?

Started work on Apollo 13 yesterday as I was too ill to work on the house. I spent 3 hours tracing a very odd switch error where half the row worked, all switches seemed to work and they all had continuity. I finally spotted that the slingshot showed signs of repair and the wires were incorrect. Five minutes of soldering later and those switches were fixed.
Now to find out how to sort the magnet in the moon out or we are not going to the moon.
Best of luck with that one!!!
To get you started. There is a remote single chip driver board at the flipper end of the underside. That's normally short circuit. It may be that changing it will be enough. There's a fuse down there too somewhere that will need replacing. The transistor is driven on by the light circuits via the lamp board with the 8 segment led display on.
Thanks Andy, found the board and the Irl540 transistor appears shorted. The pdb looks a bit hacked too but appears to be working. I will double check and then order the transistors.
I going to try to make it too, with a few machines, where are the drinkers staying?
How do the cool kids get to the hotel from the venue as it looks like they are two miles apart?

Taxi! :D I'm planning on leaving my car at the venue and sharing a taxi to and from the seafront, means I can have a shandy!
Drive there then after a day of pinball drive back , THEN get Wasted.
Great coverage Rav, with a good dollop of humour along the way. Not sure I would usually want to see Tatty Adams give Dr Jones a blow job but in this case it was very informative.
Dependts if you have had any beer.
Best is to leave at the venue as parking near the Travelodge will be near immpossible. Team up with someone staying at the Travelodge for a lift there and back. Usual thing that happens is about twenty bodies climb into the back of a Transit at the venue and fall out at the hotel a little shaken but in one piece.
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