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So wrong and yet I would be under pressure to buy it.


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Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Well someone on Pinside has too much time on their hands. I didn't dare show this to my daughter as I know she'd want it.
Well despite it making my eyes bleed,at least it IS artwork,unlike the ST with the baked potatoes on
My Daughter would go mad over that... maybe thats how we get the younger generation interested.... ;)
Wish I was talented enough to do it:)

Actually, I wish someone at Stern was artistic enough to make their new playfields look this good, but then I'm sure Jon would post and accuse them of nicking the rainbow from WOZ;)
I saw this, and Last year started work on designing a table for Future Pinball, with clips no sound bytes and everything.

Then I got out of my depth and bailed. Pure quitter.

One day though.. Then you'll all join the herd.
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