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Smoking Speaker on TAF

Pin Muncher

Sep 6, 2013
Just booted my old TAF which has been in storage for a few years, game boots fine but with a very load hum and smoke coming from the speakers.
I’ve disconnected the sound board and all is well, where do i start ? Is it the capacitors have failed and now i have AC at the speakers ? I havent looked at anything yet as im off out any pointers would be appreciated

As an audio engineer I will say that there is DC voltage on the speaker output. Normal amplifiers put out AC voltage.

You will find that capacitors could of dried up all over the boards.

Would defo give it a good workshopping electronically.
or if you want to sell it AS-IS David - give me a shout.
Speaker in backbox is also toast measures 0.6 ohms and a trace has lifted/burnt on the path to ground on C28 i dont have a U4 LM7812 to hand so cant get much further.
Replaced u4 op amp and burnt c28 added trace back to earth, powered back up c26 exploded and took out new u4 op amp.
Installed u4 and new c26 and 3rd time lucky all good.
I replaced the backbox speaker and it sounds great but the cabinet one whilst working sounds crap its ripped and was on fire almost so not surprised.
Anyone know of a decent replacement from amazon etc the backbox one I replaced was an Alpine one
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