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Slider Glider discs for moving machines.

Or the best way to move it.....???
Wanting to put a dartboard up behind the pin but need the pin to be easily wheeled away when the lads come around for a throw.
I have rubber feet on mine in my conservatory, ceramic tiled floor.
Was getting black marks from moving them about, so glued felt to the bottom of them.
Dead easy to slide them about now, felt does occasionally come unglued from my constant nudging though!

Would be interested to see what the gliders are like.
I've got 'MagiGlide Castor Cups 60mm - The Ultimate Glide System For Furniture' on both my tables. They were quite a bit more expensive than yours, £17.49, but they work a treat on laminate flooring. I can shift WOZ around no problem. They are cupped rather than adhesive so the pinball feet sit nicely in them.

Does the machine not move around while being played ?
I'd have thought a nudge here and there while playing would also move the machine around also.
Does the machine not move around while being played ?
I'd have thought a nudge here and there while playing would also move the machine around also.

Yes, a little bit, depends how vigorous you are. I just line it back up after playing.

EDIT: I can't get my glass off without moving them around so it is worth it to me.
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