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Site stats


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
I know some of the more Tecchy would like to know some more info about the site, and how popular it is or isn't.... so here goes...

November was the busiest month on record. We had over 1 MILLION hits (Each file sent to a browser by a web server is an individual hit). We also had 7,954 UNIQUE visitors across the month, with an average of 713 visitors per day. We also transferred 44.1Gb from the server, and over 316 THOUSAND pages were displayed!!

Lets just say that last month was even busier than November (December was much quieter because of that Christmas thing!!!). However whilst it had More hits and more pages served, it had less unique visitors than November!!!....

Scary stuff!!

something else to add..... On the Forums returning day after the long wait for it to re-appear (Feb 2014), we had 234 posts!!! :D
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