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Single Phantom Switch -WPC-S -SOLVED


Site Supporter
Dec 29, 2017
Hi all,

I am working through this at the moment as I hope in the future it may help someone out.

I have a phantom opto closure on switch 33 when switch 63 is closed. These are the two red switches, those in green are optos and those in blue are cabinet wired and on a different


So far I have.

- Tested MPU using Diode and jumper approach, switch matrix checks out.

- Visually checked for shorts across column 6, column 3 and Row 3. I’ll do it again later, and post pictures, there are a lot of optos on these though.

- Visually checked opto orientation and wiring on each switch in rows and columns, all look good.

- Opto board that feeds the trough, checked all diodes, in spec, replaced LM339 as it’s socketed.

- Replaced receiver opto on 33, with ball 6 from trough, no change.

- Replaced LM339 on larger opto board that feeds back end of playfield.

Next in line:

- Check diodes on opto board with all wires removed.

- Check diodes by snipping one leg in row 3 and column 3 and 6 that aren’t cabinet or opto switches.

- Take pictures to share.

Any other pointers greatly received.
Opto board has been out, all diodes seared correctly, all within spec.
There are two other switches which you don’t have a tick against. Are these a problem too. They just happen to form a square of the other two in red. That suggests there might be a fault at one of the four. An short video of the switch test display in action would be useful.
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Sorry @Moonraker - all switches are behaving normally. Every switch in the matrix works, it’s just this one phantoms. The matrix show all normally closed switches as closed. All switches behaving normally.
are any other switches closed when you get the problem? any at all on the matrix? include optos and normal?

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Every diode on:

Column 3
Column 6
Row 3
Left Eject Hole

checks out
67 - Striker Centre - little story here. Was horrible before with a dodgy fix, this doesn’t look much better but is at least insulated.
65 62 61 - are these rollovers switches wired differently to usual leaf switches? Usually it would be white at the front, diode to back, green from center
66 67 and 37 don't follow that pattern unless it can be done either way
Will see if anyone knows. Going to bed. Been at this for so blinking long lol.
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