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Simple, Quick, Rolling Diary of Pinball Events - Suggested Solution

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Oct 26, 2014
There are just too many clashes. It happens every year. I have just read that the ukcs finals clash with the Dutch pinball museum trip for example.
When I hosted the flippin' frenzy a few months back, I checked the date with two very active players/ organisers and yet we still ended up with a clash as other active players went off to Europe.

I think we need to create a really basic pinball diary on this forum, and I have a suggestion.

Simple thread on here. Easy to read on tablets, Phones etc. Not designed to interact with Facebook, or Outlook or anything complicated etc. The top post is the key one and just gets edited as and when new stuff comes in. No need for the top post to have times in it, addresses, or loads of details - it is just there to alert folk that something is on that weekend. The top post would deliberately be kept as brief as possible.

Once folk are alerted to a scheduled event, they can do their own Google or Pinballinfo searching to get the relevant details

The second post has the thread "rules" so newcomers can understand what the thread is there to do. I think that regular users just need a simple diary of dates, no point polluting the top thread with rules they will only need to read once.

If someone in the UK pinball world then creates or commits to a uk or significant european event that is not listed, they simply reply to the thread, to alert the editors with all the relevant details.

The reply to the thread can be as simple as "Dutch Open, xx July 2019"

This diary would NOT be there to approve, sanction, debate, moan about, or ration events - it would just be a single spot where they all get listed.

All the editors then need to do is amend the top post.

It could look like this

5/6 Jan
12/13 Jan
19/20 Jan Midlands league. South East League
Xx/ xx jan

23/34 Feb UKCS Finals. Dutch Pinball Museum Trip

Xx/Xx July NERG

If folk think this is a good idea, please comment below and I will create this thread. I will have a first stab at creating a populated diary based on the UK league meetings and stuff I know about. Then I (and Moderators please @Sgt GrizZ @mufcmufc @Paul ?) can then update the thing as and when new things hit.
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Good idea. Things are getting more and more crowded so clashes are inevitable. It’s great we already have all the SE league dates up as that really helps plan the first half of the year.
Isn't there already a calendar on here? it's just that people don't post the comps they're running, nor inform any other websites, such as pinball news.
The information is out there, IFPA calendar has all comps at least a month beforehand - for example.

The UK league is at least making an effort to have all league meets posted as a FB event (I know not everyone is on FB, bu5 by the same argument not everyone is on here)

There is always likely to be clashes, especially if you start including European comps
Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I looked at the UK league website when trying to sort a date for UKCS final but couldn't find all scheduled events in one place.

There may still be clashes, that's probably inevitable with the quantity of events and tournaments now being run, but it should help to reduce the clashes going forwards.
people don't post the comps they're running
This is the real problem in my opinion. I know I've missed events that I otherwise would have been able to get to if they were more widely signposted.

Then again I will admit I am an absolute plank and I have a habit of forgetting/double booking/plain old missing events no matter what is done, so...
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