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i like pizza
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
i can't stop. i cannot stop. i drink all the time, which doesn't help, but basically i am always thinking about the next one, and almost never about letting them go. i have decided after consultation to go down the TVWB route, and start the revolving door policy to get it out of my system. from now on i'm setting a 3 month limit on any new game, as well as instigating the policy that i sell at the price i bought at. i've always done that last one, but anyway i think too many of us think it's acceptable to add on the price of the new end stop and sleeves and bulbs and rubbers and novus and think that's ok to add 10% but i disagree and say boll_ocks to that and it goes out the same price it came in unless it's been with me more more than a year then market value. gah!

time to sell. i will be listing 2 games in the next week - a minty Shadow at 1850 and a shopped but still average Rocky & Bullwinkle at 700.

i think david 'cu_nty' cameron should give me a free handout cos i have an addiction so it's a disease so i should get free money like that fat bitch georgia in the sun who is 52 stone at age 20, or like the alcos and pillheads and junkies and workshy layabouts that get free money just cos they want it. give me money, cameron you cock

cameron is a cock.jpg
Never mind Dan. Maybe, just maybe, if you buy enough you might find one you can beat me on! Bring on tomorrows match........

Actually glad I'm not in your addiction group. It's not like I've spent tonight texting you about pinball prices and German forums.... (God I need a life)
I don't have a problem so can't join you either.
It took me years to buy the first one. The second came six months later, I have managed to last five month until I bought the third. See, I am fine.

Trading is not the same as buying either so we can all do that and it doesn't count.

I will see you both tomorrow and lose at everything we play on but it is not about the winning is it? It is about playing a machine that you will then decide to buy later.
i can't stop. i cannot stop. i drink all the time, which doesn't help, but basically i am always thinking about the next one, and almost never about letting them go. i have decided after consultation to go down the TVWB route, and start the revolving door policy to get it out of my system. from now on i'm setting a 3 month limit on any new game, as well as instigating the policy that i sell at the price i bought at. i've always done that last one, but anyway i think too many of us think it's acceptable to add on the price of the new end stop and sleeves and bulbs and rubbers and novus and think that's ok to add 10% but i disagree and say boll_ocks to that and it goes out the same price it came in unless it's been with me more more than a year then market value. gah!

time to sell. i will be listing 2 games in the next week - a minty Shadow at 1850 and a shopped but still average Rocky & Bullwinkle at 700.

i think david 'cu_nty' cameron should give me a free handout cos i have an addiction so it's a disease so i should get free money like that fat bitch georgia in the sun who is 52 stone at age 20, or like the alcos and pillheads and junkies and workshy layabouts that get free money just cos they want it. give me money, cameron you cock

View attachment 1514

Your right dude I also have a terrible addictive personality and there is help out there for all my other vices why not the pinball as well ;)

Glad you have adopted the revolving door policy dan, the chase can sometimes be more fun than the actual game... However I must warn you once you have exhausted all the dmd's and system 11's it starts to become ridiculously expensive :)

on another note that's a great price for your shadow, it's a beautiful example.
I can't hold back the cravings for much longer I need another one. :tape2:
Yeah, I'm not sure where having the day off on Friday to catch a flight to the German Open fits in, play all weekend then catch a flight back Sunday evening and arriving home just before 2am. Only enjoyed 4.5 hours sleep before getting up for work... Craig had another hour on from me and had to get up earlier... There's gonna be one very tired teacher today...!
Once you've played what you *think* are all the games, those EMs you were dismissive of become the next hit.
Playing EMs - a users guide

1. Oh that game looks lovely :D
2. Press start button
3. Oh ...........:bored:
4. Walk away after 1 ball :(

Oh man that made me LOL... complete with all the funny looks from the guys at the office!!!
I'm thinking about taking a punt on that Gottlieb Centigrade 37 on eBay at the moment. It's the last of the wedge heads and is pretty local to me. Thing is I have no idea what's a good price for it. Anyone got any ideas?
I'm thinking about taking a punt on that Gottlieb Centigrade 37 on eBay at the moment. It's the last of the wedge heads and is pretty local to me. Thing is I have no idea what's a good price for it. Anyone got any ideas?

That is a cool EM - quite fancied one myself in the past, not going for this one dont worry ;) - it is one of the more sought after EM titles though and I'd expect a few interested parties.... 400+, maybe more, I'm not up to speed on the condition of it etc
Cheers Grizz. There's some chatter over this machine on Yahoo too. Doubt I'll get it. A) no room. B) no money. C) **** when did that ever stop me:)
I tried to buy it quick last night as thought there may be interest but think he is going to let it run. One of the inserts has a bit of paint missing and back glass is crackling a lot. Cabinet looks reasonable with some fade.
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