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Should cocktail cabinet pinballs be made again?

I haven't got mine anymore but pretty sure it didn't :thumbs:

Yeah - it's weird ...I've only just noticed that pretty much any NM I see has just plain bumper caps. And yet mine has these .... it's the correct font, same as the apron. Strange - beginning to think either they are a weird rarity, everyone elses have fallen off ! ...or someone at some point had some made ...which seems unlikely tbh.



I'd normally refer to the flyer but in this case they're just mad...

My concern, not having played one, would be longevity of gameplay appeal. The physically smaller playfield must really limit the gameplay options.
As most collectors have more than 1 game it would get its fair share of play as did mine ( before it went into the long game repair list).
I think as long as it gets a good design and people don't expect "Iron maiden" rule sets I think it would go well.

It also lends it self to conversion kits to change the game but maybe we shouldn't go down that path......
Head to head games ( I have never played one) would be fun but maybe limited in playfield design?

The only other factor is to alter the dimensions of the playfield slightly to be able to incorporate a better design, or sink the playfield further down the cabinet to add ramps or use subways, magnets are always cool.
We need to get every designer to come up with 1 playfield design for us all to look at....
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