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Shipping a pin from America?

I haven't but I don't think it is. Pins are very expensive over there, factor in shipping and it's expensive. However they are more plentiful out there so if it's a pin you simply MUST have at all costs and money isn't an issue!! Go for it.
Economies of scale. 1 pin will be £500, 5 pins will be £800, 32 pins will be £1800!
Carl, please don't say you're planning to buy a game from TNT? :eek:
Anyone imported from Europe? Any tips for organising picking up and delivering to you?
Not yet, but it's seriously something i'd consider.

But then i'm lucky that I work for a shipping & logistics company. The cost for me to get a Pin from Europe to the UK should, in theory, amount to little more than the cost for insurance. A colleague of mine got a pin from Germany to Denmark and it cost him about £20 in total.
Anyone imported from Europe? Any tips for organising picking up and delivering to you?

A few times, single and double pin pallets, organised by the sellers though. Don't think I would from US with the import duty etc. but top marks for Phil's offer.
This arrived today from afar and is exactly how it should be done...! Always a gamble though, just make sure pricing reflects it.

Another Gottlieb fix Chris.... for me and @TYHO; Raven and Big House. :)

Carl, please don't say you're planning to buy a game from TNT? :eek:

Anything else wrong with TNT other than the price (with shipping and tax)? I considered using them for a rare machine once. Was a premium though so decided against.....
Another Gottlieb fix Chris.... for me and @TYHO; Raven and Big House. :)

Anything else wrong with TNT other than the price (with shipping and tax)? I considered using them for a rare machine once. Was a premium though so decided against.....

I think we're better off trying to list what's right with them.
Not yet, but it's seriously something i'd consider.

But then i'm lucky that I work for a shipping & logistics company. The cost for me to get a Pin from Europe to the UK should, in theory, amount to little more than the cost for insurance. A colleague of mine got a pin from Germany to Denmark and it cost him about £20 in total.

Wow that is a good deal.

Think you have just discovered a lot of long lost relatives who all like pinball and just happen to want a pin collected and delivered to Grimsby :D
Did Todd pi$$ in your chips Pete? ;)

Not really. Their workmanship is just the worst thing I've ever seen. I'm sure rolling on a tin of black gloss with wall roller looks fine on camera but when you see it in person it's a different story. Then again, you only have to look at his videos to see what a bunch of clowns they all are. Not a single skilled tradesman in that warehouse.

Imagine all the worst eBay pins, hacked up, slap dash crap - that's TNT but at retail prices.

He's a delboy. He's a stereotypical used car salesman. He's a con man. In a nutshell, that's it.
I can see the headline:

Pinball restorer calling out other pinball restorers work shoddy shocker

Come off it Pete. Even you don't really believe that! :eek:

I do, and I've seen it.

There's people out there who've been bitten if you do your research.

I can see the headline:

Pinball restorer calling out other pinball restorers work shoddy shocker


Only calling out the bad ones. There are lots, and lots of really good restorers out there. ;)
But they've been around for quite some time now. I'd have thought if their workmanship was really that shoddy then they'd most likely have gone out of business before now.

All of the stuff i've seen suggests they do a relatively good job. As for the cheesiness of those videos, well I just put that down to Todds personality.
It really comes down to the fact that you cannot make a living or build a business around restoring pinball machines, and especially video games. They are what I would call 'junk flippers'. Buy low priced games, do as little as possible to get them working, pop cheap LED's in to make it look beautiful and then sell them for a high price.

Nobody could put out the quantity of games they do if they were doing it properly.

And their "we'll fix it over the phone" policy is the biggest load of bulls*t I've ever heard. If there are any official pinball technicians here reading this, please let us know exactly how you can service a customers pin over the phone? I already know the answer.

I don't like the fact they touch up playfields and don't clear it after

That and sticking huge sheets of mylar over worn playfields with sunken inserts. Looks nice for all of a few weeks but then that playfield is effectively ruined forever.
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