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shiny shiny bad times behind me, shiny shiny sha-na-na-na


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
one for @Nedreud our resident king of shiny

no, not that, this: i've been working my way through watching the fantastic series of pinball videos by Ray of Game Room Collectibles. i'm currently watching no.7 which is all about shooters / plungers, and from about 16min he shows how he makes a nasty rusted thing look all blingy with a bead blaster and then a bench polisher thingy.

anyway, i highly recommend watching soime or all of these vids if you're a total saddo with a hardon for pinball (like me). enjoy
Thanks @cooldan. I accept my new title! There are some great tips in these videos. However, the banter from the unseen cameraman can be a little grating, but GRC is kinda famous for this.

I think my knob is shinier though ;)

Shame the rest of the cabinet looks like a bomb site! It'll all get done eventually, piece by piece.
Very pleased to hear more people joining Team GRC! They are the best.
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