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Shameless non-Pinball plug - Building the Dream on More 4 - 7th Feb 2017 @ 9pm


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10 Years
May 29, 2013
South of York
Paul G

This is one of my better half's designs - albeit compromised by client budget constraints and some other contentious issues - it really has been a ball-ache of a project spanning 2yrs.

But it's on TV! (if you count More4 as proper TV).


They don't have any pinballs. None! All that space too. What a waste.... :(

She knows that when we build our own house, maybe based on this design, it'll need an entire wing for my games room :p


Note : I don't work for her as such - I'm just the emotional punchbag and IT fixer.

Thanks for reading.
which one is you, dude?

Sorry - I'm not in it, although i did technically go inside it to take some semi-professional photos for her website recently.

The project started about 2.5yrs ago - in those same 2.5yrs we've also had a baby. It has been horrible.

So.... it'll make an interesting watch, at least for us.
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Nice work by Mrs Monkeyboy - I like the way the program presenter dabbled with the design over a couple of quick meetings in the wine bar.
Nice work by Mrs Monkeyboy - I like the way the program presenter dabbled with the design over a couple of quick meetings in the wine bar.

Cheers. I'll pass on your kind words.

That's the programme's typical format - Charlie makes roughly 3 suggestions during the hour and the clients all pretend they were his idea. e.g. the balconies came off the design literally years ago - but the production used those old drawings so it looked like part of the change process with Charlie. Also, this builder reneged on their agreement (aka The Contract) to handle the services from day 1. They just didn't tell anyone for ages, adding to delays. Like any project issue: you can only deal with them if someone actually makes them known to you. That one still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

Charlie's not actually an architect either. Just saying.

It really is a lovely house though.
Is your wife the bearded tosser with the roll neck jumpers ?

Men marrying men is cool and all that. And I am ashamed of being straight
Is your wife the bearded tosser with the roll neck jumpers ?

Men marrying men is cool and all that. And I am ashamed of being straight

Sadly not. What a hunk. He's not a sell-out.

I caught Fiona making eyes at him on more than one occasion in that programme.
Looks like that project has really strained their relationship.

The Wife hates the place, or at least her feelings towards the house are tainted by the pain. Presumably they are mortgaged up to the eyeballs. There is a profit in it if they sell. Divorce on the cards. She is quite tidy too so should find another fella inspite of that child
so hang on, i'm lost. who is Fiona, and who is Charlie? and is Charlie a fella or Monkeyboypaul's missus?
not that MBP's missus has to be a lady. or a lady with a beard. or a fella. either one is fine.
gawd it's so confusing for us straights. where's this tidy one then?
^^^ lol:)

I was thinking how pleasant their new neighbours relationhip would be after they objected to the build blocking their canal view and later routing the services over their land (assuming any of that is true).

I spotted that this matter is pinball related as Bally insulation was used throughout:thumbs:
That programme neatly encapsulated the misery that real estate causes in this country.

They lived in new zealand, saw that people there could live in nice, individually styled houses, built for sensible money

Came back to the UK and got right royally screwed by the messed up property market here

Planning consultants
Local authority jobsworth planners
Neighbours moaning at them, costing them thousands
40k to get gas, water, electricity in. Lawyers involved

Years ago I did economics at uni. The UK has lagged economically for years - not so much the immigration fuelled south east. But the rest of it. A hypothesis that I believed then and still do now is that the UK's totally dysfunctional housing market is a major contributory factor

Folk waste tens of thousands of pounds gaming a rigged system in order to build a home. It really does not need to be this difficult. And when you have lived abroad you can see how easy it can be. Ie you buy land cheap. Build on it. The neighbours do not begrudge you having a nice house. You do not begrudge your neighbours having a nice house. You do NOT pay 40k and involve solicitors to get utilities in

The reason whty noone builds starter homes is that the planning costs, lawyers fees, 40k utility fees are basically the same whether you build a mansion or a one bedder. Noone self builds here as the rules are too complicated and the risks are too great for most folk to bear. So most folk live in small homes, working themslves to death to pay for them, being throttled by neighbours or the state if they try to improve their lot.
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