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Scoop wear

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Hi Folks

Can anybody recommend a product for repairing scoop wear? I'm going to give it a go but all the info I have found uses products that you can't seem to get in UK.

Any advice greatly received.


I think there are probably a few hard wearing wood fillers on the market that would do the job. Just make sure its the tough stuff that says it can be drilled, screwed into etc. Colour could be an issue, depends on how visible it is, or is it gonna be covered by a protector ? What game is it ?

Sorry haven't got any exact products to recommend. I did use some years ago for small repair to rocket kicker area on TZ but can't think what it was.
Hey GrizZ

It's for my old favourite, TFTC.

I do have a Cliffy fitted but I would like to repair the damage so that it sits 100% perfect. It's definately harder to hit the mode scoop since I installed it and I think this will help.
You ever seen that product called 'steel sticks'? Its basically two different coloured putties you mix together in your hand until warm. After a few mins it dries rock hard. You can now get 'wood sticks' in tesco that have the same strength as the grey 'steel sticks' but in a pine wood style colour. I have an AFM playfield i want to sort out and i'm hoping this stuff will work out.
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