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Scamming sods!


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Oct 21, 2013
Are quoting they work for me! Start at the bottom, even quote my name, t*ats! Grrrr!

Från: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Datum: 2015-10-26 23:27 (GMT+01:00)
Till: xxx
Rubrik: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

Your totally wrong there sir.
I deny to be interviewed based facts that nothing I say will make you trust me.
So it's time consuming and wastage. So i prefer to discontinue.

-----Original Message-----
From: xx>
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 11:24 pm
Subject: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

Big supprice there!
The only reason you are saying this is because it’s impossible for you to do what I asked!
26 okt 2015 kl. 23:22 skrev Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>:

Sorry sir but i don't longer feel comfortable doing this biding with you.
Since you've been in contact with Phil i suggest you continue with him.
It's become more of an interview than business transaction.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx>
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 11:19 pm
Subject: SV: Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

You are right about the bank account, I got that information from a friend who's been in contact with you in the past.
I'll tell you what, if you can get Phil to email me from the same email address I was in contact with him eallier today confirming what you are telling me I will even buy two pins.
-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Datum: 2015-10-26 23:10 (GMT+01:00)
Till: xxx
Rubrik: Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu
Honestly i don't know why Phil would do such.
Secondly i wish for you to understand not all games are updated on our webpage. Some are in the store room.
thirdly, I didn't mention anything about bank accounts located in Romania so where are you coming from with such information? So far no payment information has been given to you. Come on and be straight with me Sir.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 11:02 pm
Subject: SV: Re: SV: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

The thing is I would love to buy from you if this was for real, sadly this is not the case.
Phil even told me this was a scam and that he has nothing to do with you. He also told me that he is filing a police report against you.
Why would he say that to me if this was for real? Also, why isn't the x-men pin on pinball heavens website? And why are the bank account you're referring to located in Romania?
Pinball Heaven is located in Lancashire not in Plymouth.
-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Datum: 2015-10-26 22:30 (GMT+01:00)
Rubrik: Re: SV: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu
Whats this? well you can continue to purchase from who ever you claim to have been talking with.
Our bosses name Palmer Phil

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 10:08 pm
Subject: SV: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

Tell me this. What's the name of the boss over at pinball heaven?
Skickat från min Samsung Galaxy-smartphone.
-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Datum: 2015-10-26 22:02 (GMT+01:00)
Rubrik: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu
Are you sure ? That's probably a mistake . Why would i give you reference when it's false and knowing you would check it out?
any way you have your opinion so its your call.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 6:05 pm
Subject: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

I talked to pinball heaven and they never heard of you.

26 okt. 2015 kl. 16:42 skrev Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>:

Sure no problem. we look forward to your letter

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 4:41 pm
Subject: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

Okay, I’ll get back to you tomorrow.
26 okt 2015 kl. 16:32 skrev Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>:

Pinball Heaven

-----Original Message-----
From: xxx
To: Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 4:29 pm
Subject: Re: Angående din annons på Gulans.se - Flipperspel pinball till salu

I see, what’s the name of the company?
26 okt 2015 kl. 16:28 skrev Juliana Petrova <ak47fed@aol.com>:

Hi there!
Its management decision that all international payments be made via bank transfer.
I just follow rules.
Shocking! These idiots need clamping down on. He even has the cheek to keep replying! Rule number one:- if it seems too good to be true, it probably is
Hmm, I always thought there was something dodgy about you Phil! ;) :p

These gonads will resort to anything these days! My favourite is still the 'sir, you have a virus on your computer' phone calls when they have no idea what I do for a living, they also get very upset when you attempt to order a takeaway curry from them too :rofl:
Generally when the grammar and use of English is ****-poor it's a bit of a giveaway you're dealing with scammers. Apart from the curious case I had once where I was in contact with a chinese company for parts (non pinball related) and they just had nobody who spoke English well but everything was kosher. Bit of a red herring really....
I think Phil's distinctive Russian/ Georgian accent leaves his business vulnerable to credible infiltration by former communists.
Hmm, I always thought there was something dodgy about you Phil! ;) :p

These gonads will resort to anything these days! My favourite is still the 'sir, you have a virus on your computer' phone calls when they have no idea what I do for a living, they also get very upset when you attempt to order a takeaway curry from them too :rofl:

I'd love one of these to ring me.. Hell I'd quickly deploy a windows box just to watch them in vnc.
Had one call at work. He said my computer had a virus, I asked which one from the 100+ Windows workstations, 24 virtual Windows servers, 8 physical Windows servers, 2 IBM iSeries servers, 4 Linux servers and all our other worldwide workstations. He quickly hung up :)
Oh, I'd have strung him along. Been waiting years for one of his sort to ring.
Someone needs to tell Juliana Petrova that her email has been hacked. I did a quick check with an email address checking website, and it seems that email address genuinely belongs to her (for a few quid her phone number and address were available too, but I didn't bother). Tried to report the account hacking to aol, but couldn't get beyond aol help sites advising how to stop your aol account being hacked..useful stuff aol. A quick google search of her email address: second search result is this thread.
I'd love one of these to ring me.. Hell I'd quickly deploy a windows box just to watch them in vnc.

I had one of these a while ago. Realising what was up, I took the opposite approach to windoesnot and played dumb. When asked to switch on the computer, I replied

"I can't"
"It's Wednesday"
"Library's closed on Wednesday"
"I don't have a computer at home"
'DONKEY!' - Brrrrrrrr
I've had loads of those ' Microsoft tech support ' calls, usually have a bit of fun with them but one time I must have been in a bad mood and verbally abused the female Indian scammer. Big mistake, she kept ringing my number over the next few hours and even complained to my ( then ) wife warning that I was dangerous lol.
Another one of these called me yesterday (Wednesday again). 'Charlie'*, that popular Indian name, told me that he'd have to disconnect my (non-existent) internet connection since my pc had downloaded some malicious programs (he wished). I strung him along for a while, then told him to go and try scamming someone else. But I forgot that the old handset I was using had a different button layout, so instead of hanging up I'd gone into its number store. A few minutes later I thought "where's that faint voice coming from?" and finally did hang up with nearly 8 minutes of Charlies' time wasted. And he tried ringing again straight away.

Thinking now, he might've been trying to persuade me to unwittingly delete some system '.exe' files, so that he could 'help' with rescuing the situation he hoped to cause.

* Charlie; something symbolic there, as in he hoped I was one?
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It's nice to know you can trust the pinballinfo community. There has been a couple of occasions i have put trust and sent alot of money over without 100% knowing you're going to get anything in return. You have to have plenty of pics/videos and ask for a piece of paper with their name and address on in a picture ontop of the machine. So many scamming turds out there these days. Never follow links in emails. Been a couple of occasions "paypal" of emailed me telling me my account has been suspended and i need to log in via their link to reactivate my account. Closed down the page and logged in through the official address and my account was fine.
Paypal scams are massive at the moment. I received about 4 emails over the last few months that are pretending to be paypal with a link. A couple of people I know and my elderly father have lost sizable chunks of money through them (all reclaimed now though). Be careful out there people
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