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Roy Shildt, telling it like it is (King of Kong reference)


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London

you may be wondering, 'who is this odd bloke?'

if you've seen the film 'King of Kong', about world champion video gamers competing to get the world record score on Donkey Kong in the 80s, you may remember something vaguely. if not, then here it is in it's entirety, free to watch on youtube:

all the fuss over whether Steve Wiebe's scores should count or not, because they were achieved on a machine with a non-standard board .... well Roy Shildt is the crazy knob-end who interfered in all that by having new boards posted to him. here he is, giving his side of the story (audio only) -

he already had a bee in his bonnet about his Missile Command score not being recognised as the best, something about whether a fast or slow cursor, large or small trackball was used, which dip switch was set to on. he'd fallen out with the guys that ran Twin Galaxies because of this, they were just sick of him trolling them incessantly about it, so i think just the fact that he was involved in the Kong/Wiebe/Billy Mitchell drama and pitched in on Team Wiebe was probably enough for them to rule against Wiebe. that plus the fact that Billy Mitchell is mates with them all, so they were bound to be a bit impartial anyway.

anyway i found it all intriguing just to watch quite how nuts this guy is - try watching just 'part 6 of 6' for a taster, if you can't be bothered to go deeper. some people are just intense and paranoid and have lost their grip. in the Howard Stern radio clip above, you hear how he advertised in Playboy with a naked picture of himself, trying to get into Hollywood, and in reply he just got a bunch of guys contacting him offering him blowjobs ...... which he went through with. he's one creepy weirdo.

luckily there's nobody in the pinball world like this. right?
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