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RoadShow registers hits in bulldozer constantly


Nov 19, 2015
Bristol, UK
i have a roadshow that seems to get stuck registering hits on the bulldozer. I thought it was the eddy board so I bought new auto eddy boards from pinbits but it's still doing it.

Do I need to adjust the jumper on the auto eddy board? It is currently set to playfield. The other option is outlanes.

Could the sensor be faulty? Seems unlikely as it's just a loop.
Have you fine tuned the sensor? I think TOM uses a similar (if not identical) board and you have to tune the pot on the board using a mini screwdriver - Its at the right sensitivity if the led next to it is off but comes on if you tune it slightly higher.

If its one of those new-fangled auto-tuning boards you can get nowadays ignore me :)

I'd assume the "playfield" jumper setting is right. TOM has 3 eddy boards - One for the trunk and one for each outlane. I assume they need to be configured slightly different and thats what the jumper sets. Not noticed that jumper before on mine, but then I've only ever messed with the eddy sensitivity before now.

(Edit - Just checked pinbits and theirs is an auto-tuner so the above won't apply. Sorry.)
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Yes, it's an auto eddy board. The original gave me the same problem and adjusting the pot didn't fix it, so I bought these new ones. Problem still present though!
One of my outlanes has developed a similar issue and adjusting the pot makes no difference. I was thinking about getting some auto-eddy boards myself. Now I'm wondering and will be swapping the outlane boards round next chance I get.

Would be interested if any of the skilled minds on here can give alternative things to check as it could be a cheaper fix than I thought.

If it turns out your issue isn't the board and mine is I'll happily buy a spare board off you :)
Are you sure you've changed the right board. There are two in the bulldozer area, one for the dozer and one for ted. Worth checking.
Yes, I am sure I changed the right eddy board. When I changed the jumper to OUTLANES then it doesn't register any hits at all. If the jumper is removed entirely then it appears to default to PLAYFIELD, which gives the results described above.

Does anyone know what the tiny purple LED on the Pinbits auto eddy board is meant to indicate? Mine blinks all the time so I guess it means it is registering hits?
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