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Ref: Martin

Triple H

Site Supporter
Nov 3, 2023
Hi all,

Is Martin the delivery man okay?

My reason for asking is that I spoke with him on Thursday before last to arrange a pick up of a machine from Warrington for me.
He asked me to message him details of the addresses and the name of the machine and the sellers number.
I sent him that information on WhatsApp and via a text message.

Since then I have had no replies to either texts sent or answerphone messages left.

As I don't drive I'm in a bit of a pickle, it's been a month since I bought the machine and although it's only a cheap machine the seller is desperate to have it picked up as she is having a new kitchen put in.

Anyone had contact lately?
spoke to him yesterday so he is still alive ;)

he isnt a big fan of texting and cant blame him!. your better off giving him a call on weekdays during normal hours.
Spoke to Martin Thursday afternoon after he recognised my voice on the radio..... With Martin remember - Always ring... Text when he asks you to (usually addresses etc).

He's awesome... Really Busy... But thats the hallmark of someone who is in demand :)
Hi I have used Martin and is great value for money and great at protecting the machine however it takes time for his routes some times, also I used Matt Vince who is a higher price but is quicker and just as professional in his standards
Martin can be incredibly slow to respond to calls and texts. It gets very frustrating when all you want is a basic communication. Yes he looks after machines very well ( so do Hadfields Transport) but it is only ok if you are prepared to wait weeks at a time for him to a) get in touch and b) turn up eventually.
I only use Martin because he looks after the machines but also we have a great chat and I catch up on all the goings-on in the pinball world. That man has access to the world behind the curtain.
Yes it can take a long time for Martin to deliver, and to respond to messages but he drives well over a thousand miles every week picking up and delivering games safely , professionally and with full insurance for the community for a beyond reasonable £120 .. combine this with people often letting him down or not being available at the time he can actually get to them makes it a logistical nightmare. And to top it off he only gets paid on delivery, so 50% of the endless driving he has to do has no payment element! Yes I know we all want our games yesterday but personally I think we’re really lucky to have him and his service ..Matt Vince is great too by the way
I can pick up and drop machines off - but I charge a hell of a lot more than Martin does.

As do other people.

I use Martin a lot. It can sometimes take him 2 weeks to get to me, then he sometimes delivers the next day - and sometimes next week. It has to all be worked out on his route as otherwise you would be paying many times more.
I’ve used Martin and @Matt Vince. They’re both super. If I had the choice, I wouldn’t use anyone else.

Martin isn’t amazing at replying to texts, etc. but he is careful and really good, and it is just about when he can schedule you onto his route.

I wouldn’t pull out on Martin without talking to him, but if you are in a pickle and need to move faster than Martin can manage after you’ve spoken to him, I’d give Matt a call.
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Thanks for the replies.👍
Good to hear that he is okay.

I was always going to use Martin and have seen how efficient and highly rated he is. I was concerned when he didn't text back etc. but I now understand that is just the order of things.

I'm not in a rush to get it back to me but it's a bit awkward not knowing what to tell the seller when she keeps contacting me.

Hopefully he will contact me this week sometime.
martin is great when buyer and seller both know him. when the ebay seller expects you to collect yesterday, it’s a bit more f an issue 🩸🩸⚒️🤩💣😂😂😳😳
Glad to hear Martin is o.k; always my go to method of moving pins and a great bloke 👍🏻
Recently I couldn't get hold of him, and as the forum member I was doing a trade with and I lived only 25 miles apart, we ended up finding a local man with a van (and a sufficient sack truck+insured) to do the swap.
Won't post the guy's details here, as he's not donated to the site to advertise his service, but worked out really well and made sense under the circumstances.
Just to finish this thread up.

Martin collected a Gottlieb for me today and it will be with me in the morning.
He just rang me out of the blue and said he had collected it :cool:
Is there a good time of day to phone Martin? I'm always wary of phoning someone who's main job is driving as I don't want to distract them, even with hands-free, and ringing him in the evening or weekends feels like that is his non-working time.

I left a voicemail and WhatsApp message about 10 days ago. I know this is not unusual for him so will try again next week.
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