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quantity or quality ?


Aug 24, 2017
Norfolk ,near hemsby.
quantity or quality that is my question ? so when starting out as I am with around 4k to spare.would you blow it all on 1 game or say get 2 or 3 cheaper games that are all ok but not minty etc.
If you have the space, then I'd definitely go for a few cheaper games(price doesn't relate to how much fun you will get from playing a game). It gives you a bit of variation to keep things fresh.
the trouble with only having one machine it could get boring after a while, best to get 2 or 3 to keep the interest going
Entirely depends on the game/s. You could blow a load of money on a load of cheap games that you don't want to play, or you could just as easily blow the same amount of money on a high end game that you only ever play because you feel guilty for not playing it (which is how I felt about owning TAF). If you can buy 5 games you love for the price of one game you love then its not even a question.
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A good question.

I had a single Addams famiky for 15 years or so. It did not get much use. I think with one game you could soon tire of it.

The answer all depends what your end game is and how much space you have

But with a 4k spend, I would say get two decent wpc era games. Stuff like dirty Harry, fish tales, the shadow, world cup soccer 94, Johny mnemonic, .... Good solid players without the 4k plus price tag of the fashionable titles

You might get three if you buy well or get lucky. As long as you pay a fair price on your way in you should be able to sell on for similar money

Buy from here. From an enthusiastic nerd. If you buy from ebay or gumtree you run the risk of

1 idiot. Game has been slowly dying for years. The idiot does not know or care. Riddled with faults.

2 liar . He knows his game is FUBAR. Knows it will cost a lot to put right but plays dumb. Riddled with nasty faults.

Or you may get lucky and get

3 nerd who properly maintained it

Good luck
two is always better than one. Even if one is a so-so game it will be good for a change. If you change your mind later just sell both and use the cash to buy one. Whatever you buy you will get tired of it eventually and either sell it or end up adding new games to the collection anyway.
Another benefit of two (at least) is that you'll have one to play when the other is broken or being shopped out.
If it was me I would buy 2 games from different years like early 80s and a 90s or a newish Stern :thumbs:
You lot should never go into sales...it's like saying 'buy something, which you don't really need, there are cheaper alternatives that offer more flexible entertainment, will break down, take all you space and in reality probably overpriced.......oh, and why not buy two of them as well...'

However, the same argument could be used about getting a wife.....bizarre...
I'd go with the multiple option for a number of reasons.

Even a decent 4k game is likely to get boring if it's the only one you own.
Having multiple games allows you to chop and change, also if you buy "less then minty" you can spend some time on one of them refurbing it - even if only cosmetically - depending on your skills. If you do it up to a decent standard may even make enough profit when selling to step up a class in machine.
@Sgt GrizZ you'll be please to know that on the latest episode of 'This or That' from SDTM, Zac (or was it Greg??) chooses Popeye over Roadshow. You have another lover of all things spinach!
This is non question. You can never just buy one. I used to think the same. I now have nine.
I'd also go for 2x2K rather than 1x4K
(FT and then either HS2, Flintstones or Roadshow would be my picks if I had the space and cash)
An older deep Stern for £2-3k (POTC, SM, WPT, FG, RBION)
A cheap DMD B/W or (my personal preference) a System 11 :)
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