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Gone to Ebay Project or Parts: Gottlieb Teed Off


Apr 14, 2013
Almeria, Spain
Hi All,

I bought a batch of pins from a guy a couple of years ago because there were a couple amongst it I wanted, anyway, with it came a couple I had no interest in, they have been in my storage place ever since. I finally got around to unwrapping them yesterday. Next up is Gottlieb Teed Off

It appears to be complete except for: Left Flipper and mechanism. It looks like there is also a PCB missing in the backbox.

I cannot guarantee this in any way, and also cannot confirm that it is 100% complete as it is not a pin im familiar with, please feel free to ask any questions after checking the photos.

Pictures Here: http://www.hatster.es/arcade/forsale/teedoff

If anyone is interested and wants me to take any specific photos please let me know.

Dont really know whether to break it or sell it as a project so suggestions welcome ! I would be happy to trade / part-ex this and the other project listed for one of the following:
Scared Stiff
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