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Any preppers in the house? Given the way things are going it seems fairly sensible to have some sort of '**** hits the fan' plan. Only last August the German government made it a legal requirement for German citizens to maintain a 10 day stockpile of food. Is this something you've thought about? Acted upon?
In the event of an air attack warning we're screwed. However, in the event of an economic crisis or other non-death type experiences we may wish we'd bought more baked beans :)
I think I'd just prefer to be blown to bits than live in the aftermath of whatever comes.

....sorry for the Friday night miserable comment!
Likelihood is that we wouldn't be blown to bits. But most likely face some sort of shortage of supplies and food. Having to improvise and defend ourselves and our families from looters.
Yep..afraid so....our family have go bags under our beds.....containing at least the following..
Torch. Lighter.pen knife. Solar cell phone charger. Chocolate. Beans. Energy bars. Corned beef.Water sanitation tablets.water. Silver foil body wrap. Whistle. Batteries. One never knows...;)

Yeah I pretty much have the same bug out bag. Also went for a Sawyer water purification filtration system as well as the tablets. Got some lifeboat supplies too. But really need to buy some spare crates of tinned food before I'm happy. Bugs the hell out of me when the missus leaves it until the cupboards are bare before putting in a food order!

But if you want to see a realistic drama about the reality of a nuclear attack, watch the classic and critically acclaimed BBC 80s drama called "threads". About a war starting in the middle east, turning nuclear and a bomb going off near Sheffield.

It is online

A friend of mine is an economics genius. Exceptionally well read. Besides the obvious things like firearms, water, tinned food. He suggested 9 acres of land per person, elevated location, fortified walls, gold (easy to hide, even intenally if required) and surprisingly, vast quantities of nicotine/ cigarettes. Cigarettes are traded in prison for example and there are folk who would rather let themselves and their families starve in order to score nicotine
Just a diesel generator and an underground fuel supply so I can carry on playing pinball whilst the world goes to shît around me. :clap:
Diesel generator might not work in the event of a Starfish Prime type EMP scenario ;)
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