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Potc sound issue


Site Supporter
Aug 30, 2011
Dont know whether anyone else has had this problem on a potc or other machine. When my potc is switched on the sound level has jumped up to 46 from whats is set at (25). This does not happen everytime its switched on.
The battery voltage is just over 3v on the cpu/snd board and its running on V6.0.
Any help appreciated. Thanks Ken
It might be worth looking into how Stern controls the digital volume level. I had a similar problem on a TZ years ago and after a lot of research and head scratching I discovered that the buttons on the coin door control a chip on the sound board. This chip is what digitally alters the volume level. Once I replaced it the problem was fixed.
I haven't had to work on a Stern yet so I am not sure if they use a similar system. Jim at MyPinballs might know.
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