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Playfield Removal

Carl Spiby

10 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
Once you have the head off a machine, is there much more work to remove the playfield or is it as easy as its made out to be here:

It's fairly simple. Not done a B/W machine but my Data East just had a few more connections that I had to seperate in the bottom of the cab (flippers and stuff I guess).

Once i'd done that the whole thing just lifted out. They're surprisingly heavy though.
Of course, it's really easy if you have a £200 trolley. Like to see how easy they think it is with one person and no trolley lol!!!
Yeah, removing the playfield can be done by one person but it's far easier with two.

I wouldn't even think of removing the head or taking the legs off without help. In fact I had to take the legs off mine last night. My trick was to use a workmate underneath the front whilst I took those legs off. Then a friend supported the front and we up-ended it so it was standing with it's rear end in the air. Then once i'd got both the rear legs off we gently lowered it back down again.

Certainly not a job i'd try on my own. At least now I can lift the playfield out as and when required.
Wish they were all like my RFM, incredibly easy to disconnect and lift out the playfield even on your own.
I still haven't removed a playfield as I haven't had to yet. But I have taken the head off, moved a machine around, put the legs on and then the head all on my lonesome. It is easier to lift and settle the back onto something without the backbox fitted as it is lighter.
This was a lot harder to do on my own with IJ and the backbox on.

Two people make everything easier though. ;)
Yeh you try taking that head off on your own though!!! Enough to give anyone a hernia!!!!!

Oh god yeah. The only time I assembled an RFM on my own I nearly killed myself and the monitor ...only *just* getting it resting on the machine before I puked with the effort. Soooo nearly dropped the b*stard :eek: Not recommended.

Next to that assembling/disassembling regular pins is actually not too bad on yr own.
Yeah, removing the playfield can be done by one person but it's far easier with two.

I wouldn't even think of removing the head or taking the legs off without help. In fact I had to take the legs off mine last night. My trick was to use a workmate underneath the front whilst I took those legs off. Then a friend supported the front and we up-ended it so it was standing with it's rear end in the air. Then once i'd got both the rear legs off we gently lowered it back down again.

Certainly not a job i'd try on my own. At least now I can lift the playfield out as and when required.

Easy :)

When assembling, front legs on first, then put the legs on the floor. Lift the rear (making sure legs and bolts are to hand), and support on your knee. One leg on, and it'll stand up on its own whilst you put the other on on!!!

Taking down is just the reverse!!! Back legs first, put that on the floor, then lift and remove fronts.

This is all presuming the head is down and ratcheted to the cab of course :)

I helped set up around 30 on the Friday night at last years pinball party, and was that fooked that I played like a clown on the Saturday lol
Surely it'll depend on the which make/era/system etc.

Also, those connectors only have a finite life so disconnecting them shortens this.
Oh god yeah. The only time I assembled an RFM on my own I nearly killed myself and the monitor ...only *just* getting it resting on the machine before I puked with the effort. Soooo nearly dropped the b*stard :eek: Not recommended.

Next to that assembling/disassembling regular pins is actually not too bad on yr own.

Done it twice - off and on, once in a combined space... Deffo not recommended!!!
So its definately worth removing the playfield if you're taking the cab up stairs? Just trying to make it as easy as possible, its a WPC game.
I'd say the less weight the better. Also means you're not worrying about the playfield moving or coming out whilst you're trying to negotiate your way up there.
So its definately worth removing the playfield if you're taking the cab up stairs? Just trying to make it as easy as possible, its a WPC game.

With head removed no need, 2 people should cope with it fine. But I guess if you have the head off then its not much more hassle to lift the pf out.

TBH if the stairs aren't too steep/cramped then it is doable, if a bit of an effort, for a couple of people to get it upstairs without removing anything.
I must be a massive weakling then. Two of us lifting my Pin through the kitchen and into the back room was enough of a strain to put me off every doing it again without first minimising the weight.

Think I need to start back at the gym. ;)
Surely it'll depend on the which make/era/system etc.

Also, those connectors only have a finite life so disconnecting them shortens this.
The first rule of fix club is to reseat the connectors. They like a bit of disconnecting and reconnecting to shift some corrosion.
I had a demoman that I had to get up and down very narrow stairs at my old place loads of times ..... In the end I split the cables to head and pf and fitted m/f connectors the game was in kit form so came apart for moving.
Get Wez round.
You helped him plenty of times in the past .
Just ask him to repay the favor.
Plus you can find out what he is up to.
This is a good thred because I just ordered a rigth side side rail as mine is all bent on myn AFM. Can it be replaced without taking the playfield out completely?

This is 1 job that I have not yet done on a machine. So any pointers would be a plus.

Cheers Dave
If the loom is long enough I suppose you could lift it out (horizontally not like in the video in the OP) get someone to put some lengths of wood across the rails and sit the playfield on those.

Other than that, no, I don't think so.

Definitely need two people to take a pf out as well, heavy bastards.
They look long enough but I can always disconnect them and lay the play field horizonatlly as you suggested with some cusioning to protect rails etc..

Thanks for that one...

PS. Order was posted 1 hour ago.

Cheers Dave
This is a good thred because I just ordered a rigth side side rail as mine is all bent on myn AFM. Can it be replaced without taking the playfield out completely?

This is 1 job that I have not yet done on a machine. So any pointers would be a plus.

Cheers Dave

Dave when you side rail, do you mean the stainless rails that covers the sides of the glass? If so they can be removed/fitted without touching the playfield, or have I missed something?
If the loom is long enough I suppose you could lift it out (horizontally not like in the video in the OP) get someone to put some lengths of wood across the rails and sit the playfield on those.

Other than that, no, I don't think so.

Definitely need two people to take a pf out as well, heavy bastards.

I must be well hard then lol I took mine out on me own and put it back without taking the legs off and I have a lift. Would of been easier without the legs on tho guess I couldn't be bothered
Its the ones down inside the cabinet. That locks the playfield so you can pull it up Vertically.

with the latch:) It's about the only job I have not attemptd on a pinball yet :)
Not sure what they are called but as they support the playfield it will have to come out.

Why do people keep saying it takes two people to do this stuff when we have video evidence of people doing it on there own backed up by people from this forum saying they have done it on their own? :cool: Go watch Tatty Adam's videos and you will see him do it on his own too. OK, bad example as I know he is hard as nails and eats Taliban fighters for breakfast.:rolleyes:

Take the legs off as it is easier to lift this sort of weight when you are not already starting at head height with you lifting point.
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