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pixels movie looks pants but..

steve brum

Site Supporter
Feb 15, 2015
Can see old vids getting plenty of hype . Expect to see a plethora of mame monstrosities on ebay .

Anyone seen it yet want to report how awful it surely is
Woaaaaaah there @Matt Adams you will not be seeing it at the flee pit I am just about to put out a message for a IMAX viewing it's gonna be awesome any movie that brings together the worlds greatest classic gamers to save the world is gonna be off the hook!!!! And it's got the half man in it.....
No flee pit for this one , beer and IMAX only
@Alpha1 @Rav

Anyone else fancy a Chichester IMAX get together ???
I'm interested too I didn't know Chichester had an iMax.
How can it be bad?? It's got ****ing huge PAC man and Galaxians trying to destroy the world and the half man from game of thrones in it.... VIP room there is a buzzer to have beer bought to you and unlimited popcorn, bring on the ****ty movie :)
@robotgreg will text you when we have firmed up a date
Just back from holiday and my son wanted to see this he is six so streamed it off the internet thought I would sit for the first 10 mins then leave him to it but ended up watching it all not as bad as they are making out but could have been better,good point he got up the morning shouting he wanted go to the games room to play frogger and centipede and the better half had couldn't say a thing:rofl:
already had an email out the blue about borrowing my Pacman and Defender. Long live the classic arcade LOL
Can see this happening up and down the country men in their forties taking the wee yins to the cinema to see this coming out telling the wee yins to say to mummy we have to get an arcade to which mummy will reply did daddy put you up to this and the answer is still no lots of crying later mummy cracks to get peace,pacman gets delivered set up in living room happy days:clap:
Can see this happening up and down the country men in their forties taking the wee yins to the cinema to see this coming out telling the wee yins to say to mummy we have to get an arcade to which mummy will reply did daddy put you up to this and the answer is still no lots of crying later mummy cracks to get peace,pacman gets delivered set up in living room happy days:clap:
Prices on the up again then!
I've had an email from the local cinema complex asking if I'll bring some machines along for the opening weekend.
Went with the family to see this today - escaping the bloody rain! Was great fun. Never going to win an Oscar but all four of us thoroughly enjoyed it! Go in with VERY low expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised.
My son and his mate loved every min of it. Not sure how much weight the opinion of a couple of 12 year olds carries though.
Unfortunately not, but then I clearly don't have the same effect on him as you Dan, he did let me fondle his nuts though. xx
Both my kids (11 and 6) want to go an see it. Sites like Rotten Tomatoes always end up giving titles like this low scores, but they're the cornerstone of killing a rainy weekend. And when they get released to DVD it isn't long before they're £3 in the supermarket and you've got another rainy weekend filler. Rotten Tomatoes gives G-Force, a film about guinea pigs becoming high-tech CIA spies, only 22% but my kids chuckled all the way through it filling a wet afternoon whilst we were on holiday.
I thought the film was great. I don't really like Adam Sandler, but this is one of his better films. People complain about the plot, but what the hell else can happen in a Film about aliens attacking earth in the form of 80's video games! sheesh!

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