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Pipeline Pinball


10 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Can anyone tell me what Pins are currently onsite at the Pipeline in London?

Looking like I might have a trip down there for another training course and a colleague from Denmark might be joining me - he's a fellow Pinhead so would be nice to maybe grab a few games whilst he's over.


I had a few games in the Pipeline yesterday.

There Was an AC /DC Premium, WCS, Fish Tales, TZ, Monster Bash and a Road Show. All games were working well. All on £1 a game and 3 balls except AC/DC which is £1 a game or 3 games for £2.
ooh I'd forgotten about this place, turns out 2-3 days a week I'm working just within walking distance off Wood St for the next few weeks. That's lunch sorted then :)
Just been in the Las Vegas amusements in London. They had a MET, SM and LOTR. Love Metallica, definitely on my wanted list
Hey Jon, what you doing down this way? Business or pleasure?

Played the Metallica in Las Vegas over Christmas. First time I'd tried the Pro and in some ways preferred it over the premium. Managed to get my name up which is rare for me in the wild. The missing hammer didn't make as much difference as I thought but it's a shame that the coffin shape is just bare on the playfield
Hey Jon, what you doing down this way? Business or pleasure?

Played the Metallica in Las Vegas over Christmas. First time I'd tried the Pro and in some ways preferred it over the premium. Managed to get my name up which is rare for me in the wild. The missing hammer didn't make as much difference as I thought but it's a shame that the coffin shape is just bare on the playfield
Metallica Pro is one of Stern's better efforts and metal ramps etc are nice. I actually prefer not having the hammer as I like having a proper captive ball. Not sure what they were thinking leaving coffin bare but someone on Pinside does a great decal that goes over it and blends in with the artwork. I prefer the game over ACDC but am the exception I think.

And when the next code update drops ( boy, have they dropped the ball over this ) , it could go up a fair few notches.
Hey Jon, what you doing down this way? Business or pleasure?

Played the Metallica in Las Vegas over Christmas. First time I'd tried the Pro and in some ways preferred it over the premium. Managed to get my name up which is rare for me in the wild. The missing hammer didn't make as much difference as I thought but it's a shame that the coffin shape is just bare on the playfield

Just down for the weekend with the wife mate. Stumbled across Las Vegas and the Trocadero. Spent most of yesterday around Brick lane and had an awesome time :)
You missed the Pipeline by about 5 mins then if you were in Brick Lane. Have a great time down here
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