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10 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Aldershot, UK
Anyone on here a registered user over on PinWiki.com? Excellent source of information, and I'd love to add some stuff about the obscure Bally AS-2518-147 HV LAMP SOLENOID REGULATOR COMBO board, but haven't received any response to my registration requests back in October 2014, and then again in December.

I've contacted a guy called Chris Hibler directly. He's listed as the most active contributor and has administration rights.

I'm surprised the site doesn't get more updated, just 48 during new/edited pages in 2014, but maybe that because new user registration requests aren't being processed?
I'm not registered there but I imagine the delay is because it works very much like the yahoo news groups where each response has to be manually moderated and approved and it sounds like whoever is in charge of doing that isn't doing so currently. Just going to have to sit and wait I think matey.
UPDATE: I finally got registered on PinWiki yesterday after a few back and fourth emails over the last few weeks with Casey Gardner, the founder. He says he's identified a backend problem with the registration process and is currently working on fixing it. He very kindly created my account manually.
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