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Speakers plus pinsound board about same price as a colour dmd.

Seems like a decent price?


And you have a spare board for future proofing.
I had a big dilemma before deciding to get pinsound or colourdmd. went for the sound upgrade in the end because i figured id spend more time listening to my machine than looking at the screen. I'll get a colordmd too in the future but need to save sone pennies first.
The stock speakers are pretty crapola to be honest. They were cheap and crap back in the 90s.

May have driven them a bit hard for a moment :)
Hearing is pretty bad now so the setup voice was really low when i first switched on.
Turned up the volume to hear it but when the Pinaballs sound started it was ten times louder ?
Panic trying to turn the blasted thing down.
Ignoring cost. Would pinsound do much to improve a SEGA Goldeneye?
How much are these speakers sets coming out at, might need a few sets if they sound good.
Well I now have TZ & CV with Pinsound and their speakers, the difference is unreal. Going to update my collection with these when I can.
Amazing sound.
I really should edit my Pinsound+ installation vid into my JP for my series on YouTube. I did quite a few initial videos but lost a bit of drive because of engagement. It was taking a proportionally long time to produce for the number of views I was getting.
Anyone interested in these boards?

Bad news they are out of stock next 2 months.

Good news - if you order now they have an offer for free shipping ( worth £9.95 ) and a free Headphones Station ( worth £55.94 ).

Use code PSPLUS2019.

Good offer if these are something you feel like trying.

Some games have really good mixes - LOTR, Getaway, MB etc etc


If you can wait 2 months, it's a good offer as it's effectively £65 discount.

Seems better value for the money than colour DMD.

Of course you 'need' both really:D
Shame they couldn’t do a deal with their speakers then I would be interested, my neighbours are old and deaf 😎
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